Chapter 7

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| His Home |

• Eunha •

"Where were you last night?" Sona asked when I came home. She looked at me suspiciously enough to make my eyes roll.

"I was at Minhyuk's." I answered while putting my bag down and removing my shoes.

Her eyes widened. "Good Lord, what did you do there? I mean... isn't it too fast? You're not even serious with him!"

I shot her a glare. "Stop your wild imaginations and put them in your story. He was sick."


"And I couldn't leave him. His fever was so high."

"You took care of him?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.


"You care about him?"

"Ye--" I stopped what I was doing when I realized what I was going to say. "No. It's... what I would do to anyone who has such high fever."

She shook her head as usual. "Girl, I don't think you realize your feelings for him are still there. You think you can play this coolly until the end? What are you gonna do when he finds out that it started off as a game to you?" She asked before leaving. As usual, leaving me with a messy mind.

Thankfully, it's Sunday and I won't have to go to work. I spent half of the day in front of the computer, continuously writing a new story to publish soon.

I have never been this dedicated to make the story into something beautiful and life-changing. My co-writers say I am naturally good at it, but I was actually never satisfied with my works. Maybe that's the reason why none of my books were best-selling yet.

It was three in the afternoon when I got a message from Minhyuk, asking me to go out with him. Usually, I wouldn't set my work aside, but a part of me wants to see him.

I quickly took a shower and get dressed. I braided my hair and wore a simple yellow dress.

"Look at how innocent you look." Sona said while passing me by.

I smiled. "I'm going out for a while."

"I know. You have a date and he's outside."

My eyes widened in excitement. "He's outside?"


I quickly peeked through the window and a smile curved on my lips when I saw him waiting for me outside.

"Look who's getting excited." Sona commented again.

I just shook my head and ignored her. I rushed to the door and felt my heart beating fast even before I opened it.

I brushed all the bad thoughts away. Just for today, I will forget what I've done.

Let it be the selfish me.

"Hi!" I greeted once he looked at me.

"Hey... woah, you look beautiful." He said, eyes shining.

I smiled. "Thank you! You look... well, as always," perfect... "good."

• •

"What is this place?" I asked when we stopped in front of a nice, big house with a very nice front yard, I'd say.

"Welcome to my family's home." He said smiling.

My eyes widened. "No way! Are you kidding me? What are we gonna do there?"

Bittersweet Revenge: BTOB Minhyuk ✔Where stories live. Discover now