The epil❤️gue, I supp❤️se

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She was born the 14th of February, and Sanem made a big fuss out of it as being the more romantic part of them, or...was she? Wasn't it even more romantic what Can thought, that every day of the year should be San Valentine's Day, not only the 14th of February..?;

"that is all commercial crap, bebek, to get people to spend money, and, frankly...I only care about you and our beautiful little baby girl...just look at her! She's a copy of you, Sanem!"

Sanem had already forgot about the suffering during the delivery; what Can had in his arms right now was definitely worth all the pain she'd been through

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Sanem had already forgot about the suffering during the delivery; what Can had in his arms right now was definitely worth all the pain she'd been through. Yes. She had cursed Can badly in the delivery room, over and over again, soon as they had placed her daughter in her arms...all the bad things had faded away. She had looked up at Can with tears in her eyes and a big grin on her face.

"She's so...tiny, so amazing! And she needs siblings, Can, she needs brothers and sisters, don't you think so too? And...I would like to name her Demet, in honor of my sister, do you mind..? She looked at him with dark, questioning eyes.

"Demet...our gorgeous Demet does need siblings, of course she does, and we will start to work on that as soon as possible!"

Can grinned back at her and wondered if he ever could be happier than in that moment. Hardly. But! He was wrong.
A year later Sanem was pregnant again. With twins. They were rather shocked when they found out, but in less than 2 minutes the Divit family had accepted it and couldn't wait to tell family and friends. Elle and Michele were born a bit too early, but both were healthy and just needed some help to get used to how to breathe with their lungs on the outside of mum's belly. Yeah. Michele was a strong and dark boy, a copy of dad, while Elle, the girl, was a bit less strong but also a copy of dad. When Can had Demet on his arm and showed her her siblings, he had the widest grin ever on his face. The very proud Daddy Divit.

Four years later unfortunately they experienced a tragedy; Matthew and his wife passed away in a car accident, and left their 8 years old son Ronnie behind

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Four years later unfortunately they experienced a tragedy; Matthew and his wife passed away in a car accident, and left their 8 years old son Ronnie behind. Sanem was devastated, just like Can, as their friendship with the couple had grown strong, and for a moment she accident, 8 years old...destiny had reproduced her own sad story. Then and there a piece of Sanem's heart suddenly fit in with the rest of it, as she hugged the sad boy dearly and promised him solemnly that he would stay with her and Can and their children forever. When she held Ronnie tight against her chest, she did her best to make him feel what Mir had made her feel all those years ago...loved and taken care of. She cried when she met eyes with her husband, who smiled and nodded at her in a reassuring manner. And both wondered in silence...Demet or Elle?

EK: Canem, impossible not to (A "Shorty", or...kind of)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin