Chapter 11

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Third POV:

"Breaking news on news channel 53" a man said on a tv screen. "My name is Hori Yoshida and for today's news is very shocking" the news reporter said seriously. "About a few days ago, Naruto uzumaki, also son of kushina uzumaki and minato namikaze, has went missing. he didn't come home after a few hours at night and the friends of Naruto also don't know where he is"

"today we have kushina uzumaki and minato namikaze joining us for today! please come on!" the news reporter said. after the man announced that kushina and minato could come on set, they walked in, being in view of the camera.

"hello kushina and minato, welcome." the man sighed out having a look of pity. "so, how do you guys feel about the situation right now. i know you guys are in a very stressful situation right now and you guys look like ya'll barely got any sleep, how've ya'll been holding up?" the man said. there was then a deep sigh from minato as he began speaking "well i feel terrible. i mean my child is gone and for the past few days, i had to wake up knowing that my son is not home but somewhere he's not used to." minato said tearing up a little.

"i mean my baby has to be scared out of his mind right now. and we pray everyday, hoping that he is still alive. i don't know what i'd do if i saw my son's dead body" kushina said as a tear came down out of one eye. the screen then goes black as being cut off by a tv remote.

"well can't you see that the whole world misses you?" karin said standing in front of Naruto as he's chained on the wall with duct tape still on his mouth. naruto then muffled tiredly as he had cuts and bruises all throughout his body. he had on a tank top that was a little too small and hugged his slim waist. he also had shorts on and his clothes were covered in slight dust.

"oh shut up!" karin said as she kicked him. naruto groaned in pain from the impact karin did. he was in a lot of pain dealing with some of the cuts and bruises that were still fresh from the day before. "ugh you disgust me. i have to go, be a good boy!" karin said as she left naruto and locked the basement door.


third pov:

"fuck! where the hell could he be!?" neji exclaimed. everyone was in a stressful moment since naruto has been missing for days and still hasn't been found by the police. luckily, he wasn't pronounced dead, yet.

"calm down neji! we'll find him. we're all worried sick of course, but it's not gonna get any better if you keep stressing out!" sakura yelled out. "neji. you need to calm down man, we'll find him. i hope.." kiba said as the last part he mumbled so no one could hear. everyone stood around in distress but they couldn't help but worry for their stressed friend, neji.

just as then, they heard a knock at the door of sasuke's room. sasuke then opened the door only to be met with a orange haired boy. he had a black streak in his hair and marks on his cheeks. he also had deep crimson eyes with handsome features and a slight sharp jaw-line.

"uh, who are you?" hinata asked behind sasuke as sasuke just stood still in front of the door. "yeah, does anyone know who this is?" sasuke asked. "hello, my name is kurama. i'm here to help you with naruto" kurama said.

"wait how do you know who naruto is?" neji asked. "don't worry about it. just know, i used to be associtated with karin. but i'm not connected to her, i cut ties." kurama said as he walked in sasuke's room. everyone started gathering around since they wanted to know what kurama knew about naruto and where he could be.

"okay, so where is naruto?" itachi said. after itachi said that, shikamaru yawned and everyone just stared at him. "what? we've been up all night, i barely got any sleep" shikamaru explained. "anyways" kurama said grabbing everyone's attention with his deep voice.

"i've been with karin for a very long time to know how she acts and every move she makes. i don't know why, but for some reason, the amount of hatred she has for naruto is nothing i've ever seen before. she's gone too far to the point of kidnapping him" kurama said. "so she kidnapped him!?" hinata said with a hint of rage behind her eyes. "yes, but i think i might know where she might be hiding him" kurama said with a serious face. "where." neji said serious as well.

"he's in her basement. she always picks that place no matter what. it has soundproof walls though.. naruto might be hurt when we see him. we'll be lucky enough to see that he's not dead. that bitch is absolutely insane in the head" kurama explained. "well, what are we waiting for? let's go" neji said as he grabbed his keys and left out the door. everyone followed neji outside determined to save their special gem.






welp that's it folks! i'm so sorry for not posting for a while so please forgive me! also thank you so much for 11k reads! i hope you enjoyed this chapter! i'll be sure to try and update next week.


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