Embarrassing Moment

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Steve: You were home alone while Steve was on a mission. He had been gone and was planning on being home for a little while longer.

You liked playing music throughout the house and having a one person dance party. And you had learned you were a pretty good singer. Not to sound vain.

You stopped dancing when a slow song came on. It was Beautiful by Christina Aguilera.

You sat on the couch and started singing. And you didn't realize that Steve walked in the door.

Steve saw you singing and hit so you wouldn't see him. You had your diva moments here and there and Steve had to hold his laughter in.

When the song was over, Steve came over and wrapped his arms around your waist. You freaked out for a second and then started blushing uncontrollably because he heard it all.

"That was beautiful darling," Steve said. "Thanks Steve," you replied. And for the rest of the day you two had a big dance party.

Tony: You went to the beach with Tony and decided to go swimming. You aren't the usual girl that likes tanning. So you and Tony went and splashed each other.

You were jumping around in the water when your top had suddenly fallen off. You looked around to see if anyone saw, luckily no one did. You were blushing entirely too much.

"Tony a little help here," you said. He looked over at you and groaned. "What now y/n," he asked. "My top slipped off. Can you tie the strings for me," you said. He nodded and tied them. From that day on you vowed to tie your bathing suit strings really tight so that never happened again.

Bruce: Your boyfriend Bruce was down in the lab working on something. You decided to go down there and scare him.

So you walked down the stairs slowly do he wouldn't hear you. But you forgot that the doors to his lab were made entirely of glass. So when you looked at them you thought they were open.

You quickly sprinted towards the doors banged your head on it. Luckily they didn't break.

Bruce looked up from his work and saw you lying on the ground. He ran towards you and saw you were awake. But you had a pretty bad bloody nose.

"What were you thinking y/n," Bruce asked. "I was trying to scare you and I thought the doors were open since their made of glass," you replied, plugging your nose.

He laughed. "Well you scared me when you hit the door," he said. You two laughed for a while, while he cleaned up your massive bloody nose.

"All better," he said. You smiled, you cheeks bright red from embarrassment. He laughed. "Can I get to my work now without having to worry about you," Bruce asked. You nodded and he laughed, walking back downstairs to his lab.

Thor: Your boyfriend Thor had finally agreed to take you to Asgard one day. He had some business to do one day, so you decided to roam.

You walked around the huge palace and was amazed at everything. You knew that eventually you were gonna get lost, but you didn't care. Thor would find you sooner or later.

You walked around a little more and stoops when you felt like someone was watching you. You looked around and saw no one following you or watching you, so you kept walking.

You had then turned a corner and Thor popped out from behind it screaming. You screamed your head off and ran the other direction, eventually hitting a wall.

Thor ran up to you and laughing. Your cheeks were on fire right now, and so was your forehead since you hit the wall.

"That's not funny Thor," you said. He smiled and picked you up off the ground. "Sorry Princess," he replied.

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