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Hey guys! Thanks you so much for reading and commenting! It means a lot to me.

And the comments you guys post are HILARIOUS!!!!! Omg I read them and I'll start laughing. And then my dad and sister are like "what are you laughing at?". And I'm like "my fans commented!!!!!" And my dad's like "U have fans????"

Anyways they are seriously funny. And feel free to message me anytime. You can give me suggestions. You can tell me what you want in it (which is the same thing as a suggestion). And if you guys want imagines I'll write you some.

I enjoy writing this for you guys and I don't ever want it to end. You guys are my fan and my friends and I'm here to entertain you!

And also, I'm trying to thing of a name for my fans! So message me some suggestions and I'll figure something out. Ily! ~Bella

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