Captain America Imagine

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I had just woken up and I was home alone. Steve was on a mission, so it was me, myself, and I.

I got up and passed by my full length mirror. I looked at myself. I felt a feeling of disgust. And suddenly a ton of questions started swirling around in my head.

Why am I so fat? Why can't I be more beautiful? Why are my eyes that color? Why can't I have longer hair? Why can't I be more prettier? Why why why?

I groaned and kept staring at myself. But I was too busy do that to notice Cap walking into the room.

"What are you doing," Cap asked. "Nothing," I replied.

"Your looking in the mirror and I heard you groan. There has to be something wrong," Cap said.

"I'm insecure okay," I screamed. Tears then spilled over my eyelids covered my face with my hands.

Steve came over to me and hugged. "You know you're beautiful," Steve whispered to me.

"Thanks you Steve. I'm lucky to have you," I replied.

"Nope, I'm lucky to have such a beautiful girlfriend that loves me," Steve said.

I smiled and kissed him. "I love you," I said. "I love you too," Cap replied.

There ya go! Hope you enjoy! By the way, you guys are amazing and don't let anyone tell you you aren't!

If you need someone to talk to, I'm always here. I love it when you guys message me! You guys are really sweet and nice and REALLY funny!

But anyways, if you need someone to talk to, just message me. Avengers Assemble! ~Bella

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