Your first thoughts when you see him

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Steve: "Dang he's cute! I wonder if he thinks I'm cute too?

Wait is my outfit okay? Oh my gosh I think I'm sweating I'm worrying so much!

Clearly he sweats a lot since he looks like a freakin body builder! Y/N calm yourself! I think China can hear you thoughts. Go talk to the man!"

Tony: "Dang is that a Rolex? Focus Bella! Focus on the man. The man wearing the Rolex.

Dang he looks HOT! He's gorgeous. I wonder if I can get the nerve to talk to him? Come on y/n the handsome devil will love you! Okay here goes nothin."

Bruce: "Hey it's the green guy! Wow he actually looks really cute. I like nerds anyways. Their like the underdogs. Underdogs are cool.

Maybe I should go talk to him? Or maybe I shouldn't? I'll make a fool outta myself. But who cares. Do it for the fun right?"

Loki: "Isn't that Loki? Wow, no one told me he was this cute! He's not just cute, he's gorgeous!

Maybe I should say hey. Or maybe I should go up and say more than hey so I don't look like a weirdo. I'll probably try on the way back if I just say hey. I'm gonna go and actually talk to him."

Thor: "Wow he has nice hair! He seems like the kinda guy who would be on an Axe or Calvin Klein commercial. Maybe he is on one of them and I missed it? No!!!!!

Hold yourself together y/n! Go and see if you can get this guy's number. Wait! Me, get his number? Wow I'm laughing hysterically now. Come on self go talk to him!"

Pietro: "Is that the whizzy kid? Oh yea it is! Wow, I didn't know he had that nice of hair. Or that nice of a face.

I should go talk to him. Yea that sounds like a good idea. Wait he's making eye contact. DONT LOOK!!!!

Okay look again. I'm gonna go talk to him."

Bucky: "Hey it's the guy with the metal arm. Oh. My. Gosh. He is gorgeous!

His hair is amazing! It's so long and pretty and nice! I like it a lot.

Maybe I should go talk to him. Yea that would be a good idea. But what if I fall. Then I would ruin it. What if I smack my face on something on the way there. Oh come one y/n you'll be fine. Here goes nothing. Okay don't run into that."

Clint: "Hey it's the hawk kid. Wait I think it's Hawkeye. Oh whatever, he'll tell me if I talk to him.

Wait! Should I? No I'm gonna get a bloody nose on the way there! No you aren't y/n you'll be fine! Okay here I go. Watch that ledge."

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