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Steve: You were so excited to go and see your baby. You were 4 months pregnant and you had to go to the doctor to go and see if the baby was a boy or a girl.

"Steve what do you want. A boy or a girl," you asked smiling while holding his hand as he drove.

"I want whatever you want," he replied smiling.

"Oh come just tell me," you pleaded. He rolled his eyes and finally spoke.

"I would love a boy. One I can make into my little apprentice. But I would also like a little girl. So I have two girls," Steve exclaimed.

"You aren't helping Steven," you commented rolling your eyes at his wittiness.

"You wanted an answer babe," he added. You groaned.

"Shut up before I hit you," you mumbled smiling. He chuckled.

"Okay I'm afraid of you now. Happy," he asked smiling.

"Yes indeed I am Mr. America," you replied. He smiled and pulled into an empty parking spot at the doctor's office.

You two walked inside and waited in the waiting room which served its purpose.

"Y/n," you heard your name called. You looked up from Flappy Bird on your phone and walked in with one of the nurses. She took you to a room and you laid on the bed.

Steve stood next to the bed and held your hand looking up at the screen. You looked at him and smiled.

The nurse put the warm gel on the bottom of your stomach and put the weird remote thing over the gel. The nurse moved it back and forth and you looked up at the screen. And on the screen was a baby.

You smiled and squealed a little. "That's our baby Cap," you said. He smiled.

"Indeed it is y/n," he replied chuckling and smiling at your adorableness.

"Its a boy! Congrats," the nurse exclaimed. You smiled widely. The nurse then left to go and print out the pictures of the baby.

"Cap it's a boy. Oh my gosh we have a little boy," you said excitedly.

He chuckled. "Y/n I heard the doctor babe," he replied laughing.

"I know I'm just super excited I can't control myself Cap," you squealed.

Steve smiled and the nurse came back in the room and handed you your pictures. You guys got in the car and you stared at the pictures the whole car ride back.

Tony: You and Tony were in a bet to see if it was a boy or a girl. You owed Tony $50 if it was a boy and he owed you $50 it it was a girl.

"Tony you might as well give me the money now. You know I'm gonna win," you teased.

"Hahaha you make me laugh. You think your gonna win. Oh my gosh that's hilarious," Tony replied fake laughing.

Your rolled your eyes and look the window on your side of the car. A few minutes later Tony pulled into the parking lot of the doctor's office. He ran to your side and helped you out of the car and into the waiting room.

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