Hawkeye Imagine

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This imagine is dedicated to Warrior_Jayfeather

You sitting alone at home, sitting on your couch and playing on your phone.

Clint has been on a mission for a while and you're feeling lonely. You were really excited though because he was coming home tonight.

So you waited and waited and waited for him to come home. It then became 6 o'clock, so you decided to make dinner. You didn't want anything big since it was just you right now, so you made mac and cheese.

You ate your dinner and then sat on the couch again waiting for Clint to come home. After waiting for 2 hours, you finally gave up and went upstairs to get ready for bed.

You brushed you hair, then your teeth and then put your pjs on. You hopped in bed and then cuddled up in the covers.

You couldn't fall asleep for a while because of all the worry you had. You didn't know if he was dead or if he forgot to come home. But how could he forget to come home? Unless he's having an affair with another woman!

You're thoughts were the pulled away when you felt two arms wrap around your waist. You turned and saw Clint sleeping right next to you.

You smiled and kissed him. He kissed you back and then you too cuddled up with each other. Then eventually fell asleep.


Hope you enjoyed Warrior_Jayfeather! You're awesome!!!

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