Sport you two love to play with each other

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Steve: Football. You two love throwing a football around even though you aren't the best at catching or throwing. But he says your getting better

Tony: He doesn't really have time to play sports with you. But when he does, you two love to consider "being the laziest as possible" as a sport.

Bruce: He doesn't really have time either. But you two love to see who can be the most annoying the other person. You consider that a sport.

Loki: Volleyball. You always beat him.

Thor: Kickball. You guys like just kicking around a ball and having fun.

Pietro: Soccer. He always wins since he's faster than the speed of light. But you still have fun

Bucky: Baseball. You guys like throwing a baseball around but it's not really considered baseball but who cares.

Clint: Archery. It was quite obvious.

Did you like it?????? Well I hope you did! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've just been busy with school and stuff like that. Thanks for reading guys!!!!!


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