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She looked up at her brother in shock backing up as he turned around pointing his sword at her neck. Tengen and zenitsu look over furrowing their brows of the sudden change.

"Brother what are you-"

"Quiet you half breeding woman..."

Muzan takes his hat off watching the sudden change. Y/n staggered up to her feet  as her brother stalked forward. 

"Inosuke brother stop this right now"

"Stop you say....a half breeder like you tells me to stop..."

He lifts his blades over his shoulder in an x position.  The pregnant girl finds a different way to get distance from her brother.  The half human fetus inside moves again. 

"I'm warning you right now brother stop it"

Putting her fists up on instinct he slashes drawing small amounts of her blood from the hands working its way slightly down.  Wincing from this she hisses in pain once the blade comes at her ribs.  Extending her leg out she kicks him in the ribs sending him flying backwards. 

"I told you to stop brother you were not listening...and now your wanting to hurt the fetus..."

He glares at her in anger and lunges at full force sending them both to the ground.  Y/n starts slapping his chest as he goes to grab her wrists harshly pulling them to the sides.  Muzan glared over at the brother of his pregnant woman.

Tomioka suddenly rushes over ripping him off of her.  He glares at the other male behind him.

"Get a hold of yourself inosuke hashibira...your a hashira now act like it"

"Why and let this happen to my sister not a chance hya!"

He elbows him hard in the gut sending him to the ground y/n starts running as her brother sprints after her.  Muzan was about to attack him if it weren't for someone sending him flying backwards into the concrete wall.  Grunting and sitting up slowly was one of the upper moons. 

Y/n starts panting slightly more than before having herself cornered.  Her brother stabs the walls next to her in the same position they were in on his shoulders.  She flinches from this, inosuke jumps and lands on the handles of his blades.  Squatting down he leans over narrowing his green eyes.

"So tell me sis...how'd you and that demon click in order to get that half breed going?"

"It's not my fault okay I guess I lost my virginity to someone ...and it turned out to be him out of anyone because I remember his voice okay!"

"WHAT!!..let me get this straight you had sex with a demon for the first time....exactly how long has it been going on!?"

He head butts her firmly.

"I don't know weeks which became a month or so..."

Muzan stood up in the background approaching the brother and his pregnant woman who's carrying his half human child. 

Y/n slipping out of the spot she runs over to muzan hiding behind him. He wrapped his arms around her grinning slightly but instantly glares at him.  Inosuke jumps off standing face to face with him directly.

"So is it true that and my sister have a half breed going on now or what!"

"Such incompetent behavior...dislike those who have such negative things to say but of course it's true she is infact pregnant with my child inside...and I'll rip anyone's heads off if they even dare try to do harm to the unborn child"

Inosuke continues to glare at him.

"Tch oh yeah!! Well guess what I'm not going to allow that thing tear my sister apart before it's born!"

"Oh really human boy....is that so?"


he starts running all the way to his swords ripping them out.  Tanjiro was busy battling with the other demon with long burgundy hair and six eyes.  Tomioka widens his eyes seeing the blue tinted haired male running at muzan.

Sprinting he knocks him to the ground shouting at him.


"I'm going to saw your head clean off demon!!!"

"Tengen uzui detain this one!"

He orders the other one firmly.  He rushes over pinning inosuke down.  But he starts squirming like crazy putting up a fight with him.  Muzan brings his pregnant woman inside the building. There he calls for the human workers to come and take her to the room.

He turns back to face the hashira's , meanwhile y/n couldn't stop crying her own brother inosuke threatened to hurt the half human unborn fetus.  Wait was she starting to feel worried already for the half human unborn child?. 

Entering the room and laying down y/n passes out after the incident. 

Time skip..

The sun shines through the window for some odd reason.  Waking up she appears to be back in the dojo?, But why.

Sitting up slowly she spots tengen talking away with the other three mumbling stuff. 

'the hell are they talking about?'

Slowly standing up something stops her instantly like a heavy force.  Looking down was a cuff and chains.  Her eyes question this. But it soon catches their attention.  Tomioka comes in with tengen.

He squats down looking at her in the eyes making her feel uneasy. 

"Where's the male demon?"

"Muzan..I can say he's dead for good..not only we want to talk about this."

Tomioka stepped forward lifting the fabric off her stomach revealing the baby bump of the half human child growing inside.

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