Chapter 1

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"Michael, wake up." Karen says, flipping the light on to her son's room.

Mike squints his eyes due to the bright light and pulls the covers over his head, "Just a few more minutes..."

Karen rolls her eyes, "If you sleep any longer you'll be late." She warns him truthfully and exits the room.

Mike groans in frustration, regretting staying up late playing video games with Will.

'The nightmare begins.' Mike thinks to himself as he rolls out of his bed, regretting it immediately as he falls face down on the floor.

Mike curses his clumsiness. He's only five foot seven, but he doesn't feel comfortable in his own body yet.

Mike blindly reaches up to his nightstand for his glasses; he finds them after a few seconds of searching and puts them on.

'Much better.' He thinks as his vision improves drastically after putting them on.

He finally gets up from the floor and begins searching for something to wear. After looking through his closet for ten minutes - unable to find anything that fits - he settles on a green sweater with some black jeans.

Mike steps back to take a look at himself in the mirror, and he grimaces at the sight of himself. The sweater is absolutely hideous, but it's the only thing he could find.

'Troy is definitely going to make fun of me for this.' He rolls his eyes.

Next, Mike attempts to tame his wild hair. He runs his hands through it a few times before somewhat being satisfied with how it looks.

Mike grabs his phone and book bag and races down the stairs. Yes, his house is two stories, but it's not "big" by any stretch of the imagination.

As he reaches the bottom of the stairs and rounds the corner, he is alarmed to see his dad sitting at the table, reading the newspaper.

"Dad?" He asks, puzzled by what he is still here. He's normally long gone to work by now.

Ted looks up from his newspaper and smiles, "Ready for your first day?" He asks, not noticing the look of confusion on his son's face.

Mike shrugs, "I guess, but... why are you still here?"

Ted takes a sip of coffee and shoots his eyes over to Karen, "They uh... gave me the day off."

Mike is skeptical of his answer, but decides not to dwell on it, "Oh, okay."

Karen then walks over to him, holding a plate with waffles on it, and Mike just shakes his head, not feeling hungry.

"Michael, you have to eat." She says, extending the plate.

Mike starts back peddling towards the door, "Can't. I'll be late."

"Michael!" She scolds him, but he is already halfway out the door.

"Bye mom. Bye dad. See ya!" He shouts before closing the door behind him.

Mike is immediately met with the warm September air, and he immediately regrets wearing this sweater.

He walks down the steps and onto the pavement that runs through the middle of his neighborhood, and towards the bus stop.

Mike stands with his hands in his pockets, all of the sudden feeling anxious for the upcoming day, when he feels another presence beside him.

He doesn't even have to turn his head, because he already knows who it is. Max, the fiery redhead that lives right across the street from him, who also happens to be the only girl in his friend group.

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