Chapter 8

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It's now Friday, the day of the game, so Mike finds himself killing time out in the city, stopping whatever crimes he can.

While swinging around Midtown, Mike saw a billboard from the Daily Bugle, the place where Nancy works. It was asking for pictures of the new vigilante in town, and Mike knows just the person for the job. He has always had a passion for photography, and this could be the perfect thing to help with the Wheeler money problems.

After changing into his normal clothes, Mike strolls into the Daily Bugle. He takes the elevator to the fiftieth floor, and the door opens.

Mike sees a few dozen people all walking around like their hair is on fire, trying to get stuff done. He feels a little overwhelmed in the environment.

Mike catches sight of Nancy sitting at a desk, and he immediately walks over to it.

Nancy is still looking down at the paper on her desk, until Mike clears his throat.

Nancy snaps her gaze up to see her brother, hair tousled, "Mike? What are you doing here?"

"I uh- I saw the billboard that you guys put out."

Nancy raises an eyebrow, "And?"

"I can get you guys pictures of him." Mike says confidently.

Nancy raises both eyebrows, "How are you so sure?"

He shrugs, "I just am. Where's your boss?"

She points to his office just a few short feet away, "Prepare yourself, he's kinda..."

Mike ignores her an walks into the office, earning the attention of Murray Bauman and Charles Sinclair, "Who are you?" Murray asks.

"I-I'm Nancy's brother, Mike."

"And why does this matter?" Murray asks.

Charles smiles at Mike and decides to interrupt, "How's it going, Mike?"

Mike smiles at the familiar face, "Hey Mr. Sinclair."

"Aww how sweet, you two know each other. Why are you in my office, twerp?"

"Oh I was uhh... I can get you pictures of him."

"Who?" Murray asks.

"The vigilante."

Murray just looks at him for a moment, before bursting into laughter.

Mike furrows his eyebrows, "What's so funny?"

"You're a kid! And you're also about the hundredth person to come in here saying the same thing."

"Well they can't get you pictures of him, but I can."

"I'll believe it when I see it, get out of my office."

Charles Sinclair looks at Mike sadly, and Mike walks out of the office.

"How'd it go?" Nancy asks.

"I'll prove him wrong." Mike mutters as he walks into the elevator.

Mike walks out of the building and into the street, and his phone buzzes in his pocket.

He pulls it out to see a text from El, Game is about to start, you almost here?

On my way.

Mike puts his phone in his pocket and turns down an alley. After a quick change, he's swinging towards Midtown High.

He's almost there when his phone buzzes from his police scanner, "We've got an active assault in Chinatown."

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