Chapter 10

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A week has passed since Mike was beaten halfway to death by Kline. After El stitched him up, he asked her not to tell anyone about what happened. She was reluctant of course; she wanted to tell Hopper about it, but she respected Mike's wishes and kept the whole thing a secret.

Mike has been back at school, hanging out with his friends, hiding the large cut across his body. He occasionally feels pain, but hides it pretty well, but sometimes he can't hide it from El. She notices every time he winces in discomfort.

The vigilante hasn't been seen for over a week, and many are wondering where he went. Hopper thinks the arrest warrant forced him into hiding, while Murray is thinking that he made him regret becoming a vigilante. Kline is just waiting patiently for his return. He knows he'll be back.

Mike is sitting in his room in the middle of his floor, while Kline's words replay in his head:
"You don't help people."

Those words cut deep, because that's the exact thing that Mike set out to do: help people. He told himself that's what he was doing, but he was really taking his anger out on the criminals.

Mike is reevaluating everything. He doesn't want to be known as a vigilante anymore. He wants to be a symbol. He wants to be a symbol of hope. He wants to look out for those who don't have anyone looking out for them.

He has healed enough, and is ready to go back out there. But unfortunately, his suit is almost completely destroyed. It has cuts in it, and the lenses are shattered.

So, Mike has no choice but to create a new suit. This time, his suit is going to be much different. It's going to look professional, not homemade like his last one.

He already has purchased all of the supplies he needs with the money from the Daily Bugle. He has red and light blue spandex that will make up the whole costume. He used his sewing skills that his mom taught him a lot of years ago.

The whole suit is mostly red, with the legs being blue going from the hips to the shins. The blue also covers the underside of the arms and ribs. Black web-like patterns cover the red sections of the suit. The mask is red and also has the webbing patterns, and includes sharp, reactive eyes that are ingrained into the mask.

And to finish the suit off, there is a black spider logo on the chest, and a red spider logo on the back.

'Wow, I can't believe it took me so long to think of a name. It was so obvious the whole time.'

Mike takes a step back and admires what he has created. The logo on the chest gives the finishing touch.

The sun is going down, and it's time for Mike to return, but not as a vigilante, but as a hero.


"The Alarm is disabled."

A group of heavily armed thugs are sitting in a van outside of Brenner industries.

"Alright boys, let's move out." Five of them get out, while the driver stays behind.

"Remember, get in, steal the drive, and get out." The thug says one last time before busting in the glass door.

"He was right, the alarms are disabled."

The thugs slowly move through the building, clearing the corners, searching for any security guards that are still here. This is one of Brenner's many buildings.

They finally arrive to the top floor, where they pick the lock to Brenner's office. After a few moments the door opens, and the thugs walk in.

"Alright man, you're up." One thug says to another, gesturing towards the safe.

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