Chapter 7

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The school day is finally over, and Mike says goodbye to El and rushes out of the classroom. He has been staring at the clock all day, ready to get out of school for one reason and one reason only. Before he can do that though, a voice stops him in the hallway.

"Where are you going, Wheeler?" The voice asks accusingly.

Mike stops in his tracks and turns around, "Heyyyy Max."

Max is standing with her arms crossed and her eyebrows raised, "You're not coming on the bus?"

Mike just plays it cool, shaking his head, "Y'know, I gotta pick up some stuff for mom."

"How are you getting home?" Max asks, not buying what he is saying.

Mike shrugs, "I'll probably take the bus from Midtown to Queens later. But uhh... don't worry about it, I'll be fine."

He turns around and walks off before Max has the chance to speak again. 'There's something up with him.' Max shakes it off and starts walking towards the bus.

Mike makes it out of the courtyard where he sprints across the street and into an alleyway. He pulls off his clothes and changes into his suit, which he kept in his book bag.

"Finally." His reactive lenses narrow as he webs his book bag to the wall and begins climbing up the side of the brick building.

After a few minutes of sitting with his legs draped over the edge of the small building, his phone buzzes, and he pulls it out to see his police scanner going off.

"We've got a report of a drug deal in north midtown, multiple suspects, all armed."

Mike's eyes widen, 'Guns? Better be careful.'

He wastes no time jumping from building to building until he is forced to swing.


"How was your day today, Jane?" Hopper asks as they drive down the street.

Jane smiles, "It was great! I invited Mike to dinner."

Hopper just nods. Normally, he wouldn't have allowed a boy to come over to his house, but since it's Mike, he relented to Jane's request.

The NYPD have made no more progress to finding the man who killed Ted Wheeler, and Hopper can't help but feel like he is letting the Wheeler's down. So, he figured the least he could do is allow Mike to come over to dinner with his daughter.

"Okay, that's good. What time is he- Holy crap!" Hopper swerves his car a little when a costumed red and blue figure flashes in front of the car.

Jane squeals in fright, while Hopper searches out the window to see what in the world that was.

Then, he sees it. Or more accurately, him. The guy that Callahan was telling him about, is swinging through the city on some kind of cable.

"What the-"

"That's him!" Jane points at the swinging figure.

"Yeah, I figured." Hopper mumbles and grabs his police radio, "I've got eyes on the vigilante."

"Where is he?"

The figure swings around a corner and out of sight from Hopper. "He's uh... umm... I lost him." He puts the radio down.

"That was insane!" Jane beams.

Hopper rolls his eyes and pulls the car beside their apartment. "I'll be back for dinner." He says with anger on his face.

"Where are you going?" Jane asks, upset that he is going back to work.

"To catch that freak."


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