Chapter 6

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Mike is in his room, searching his closet for any clothes that he could use for his suit. He's flipping through the many fabrics and materials that he has accumulated throughout the years.

'Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Too bright. Too dark. Nope. Nope.' Mike stops when a red, zip-up hoodie catches his eye.

'That... could work.' He holds it up in front of him. 'It could do without sleeves though.'

He then cuts the sleeves off of the hoodie, 'That's better.'

He's not about to go out there in a sleeveless hoodie though, so he finds a long sleeve, light blue, cotton shirt to go under the hoodie. He also finds a pair of sweatpants are the same color as the long sleeve shirt.

After finding some red gloves and red shin level socks that are big enough to slide over his shoes, he starts working on the mask.

Mike finds a thick, red, cotton fabric that he thinks will work fine. He cuts some eye holes out, and knows the absolute perfect thing to fill the gap.

He digs in his beside dresser for a certain device. After seconds of searching, he finally finds it:

The invention that won him the third grade science fair. He created a pair of goggles that is reactive based on his facial expressions.

Looking back, it was insane that he was able to make this when he was only eight years old. He connects them to the mask, and the suit is complete. He puts all of it on, and he looks at himself in the mirror.

It's... rough, thrown together, homemade; yet it's the absolute perfect thing for him to start with.

He looks at himself in the mirror, thinking about what this suit represents. It represents responsibility. His responsibility to help the people who aren't able to help themselves.

Mike's phone begins to buzz in his pocket, and he pulls it out the see El calling. His reactive goggles go wide when he reads her name..

"Hello?" He asks, pulling the mask off of his head.


"Yeah it's me. What's up?"

"Is everything okay?" She asks in a concerned voice.

Mike furrows his eyebrows, "Yeah... why do you ask?"

"Well... I was wondering because you weren't in fourth period today."

Mike's eyes widen. 'Oh man. I completely forgot about school.'

Mike never went back to school after testing out his web shooters. He was completely focused on creating his suit.

"Oh... I umm... got sick." He winces at his lie. He hates lying to El...

"Oh... okay."

"Y-Yeah... but I'll be back tomorrow..."


Silence then follows after that, until Mike decides to break it, "Hey El?"


"Thanks... for the other night."

"No problem. I mean it Mike, whenever you need anything, you call me."

"Y-Yeah... I will. Thanks."

"I'll see you tomorrow?" El asks with hope.


"Michael?" A voice asks from downstairs.

Mike starts to panic. His mom is home, and she probably heard about him skipping yesterday, and fourth period today.

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