Chapter 4

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"How did we allow Brenner industries to do this!?" Kline slams his hands down on his desk, yelling at his assistant.

"They outbid us, sir." The assistant calmly says.

"Why does he even want the buildings? Brenner industries is a tech company. What does Brenner care about real estate?" Kline asks.

"I don't know, sir."

Kline sighs, "What are we supposed to do? We can't complete with them. They have too much money."

"He must know what you are trying to do."

"How?" Kline questions.

"It's not hard to see what you're doing. Especially when he knows about your... more questionable businesses."

"So what? Is he trying to compete with me?" Kline asks, "What does he care?"

The assistant shrugs, "He doesn't want you to be the controlling power in the city."

The two of them are sitting in Kline Tower, inside of his luxurious office, discussing how Martin Brenner has bought all of the buildings his company was trying to buy.

Kline just smiles, "Whether Brenner likes it or not... I will own this city one day. Hell, I pretty much already do."


It is Saturday at noon, and Mike is still fast asleep. After a few more moments, he finally rolls over and wakes up.

'Oh man, I feel...' Mike thinks to himself, expecting to feel like crap, just how she did last night. 'Great... I feel great.'

He goes to jump up from his bed, and he is surprised when he effortlessly flies up from the bed, his head almost hitting the ceiling. 'Holy crap.'

He lands on the ground, and automatically starts reaching for his glasses. He puts them on, and in the process, catches sight of his reflection in the mirror.

'What the...' He has a hard time seeing his reflection. His sight is really blurry.

Mike takes his glasses off, and his vision looks perfect. He puts them back on, and his vision goes back blurry.

He alternates between taking them on and off for a few more seconds, and finally leaves them off. Mike has been wearing glasses since first grade, so he cannot believe what is happening.

Mike gasps when he sees his reflection in the mirror. 'I have abs.' He pokes himself in the stomach.

Mike has been skin and bones for as long as he can remember, and all of the sudden he looks muscled up. He is still thin, but he has muscles that he's never had before.

He flexes a few times in the mirror, mesmerized by what happened to his body overnight.

"Mike?" Karen calls from outside his door.

"Y-Yeah?" Mike calls back, still looking at himself in the mirror.

"Are you feeling better? Any change from yesterday?"

"Change?" Mike asks, then looks back in the mirror, "Yeah... big change."

"That's good, but you need to get up."

"Y-Yeah... okay." Mike nods, throwing some random clothes on.

He grabs on the door handle, and accidentally yanks the whole thing off. 'Oh crap.'

Mike's eyes widen at his sudden strength. He awkwardly holds the handle in his hand before placing it down somewhere, making a note to himself to fix it later.

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