Chapter 14

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It's Monday morning and the group are outside of Midtown high in the cool, fall air, and the guys are talking about the new Star Wars show that just came out.

El's eyes are glued to Mike as he passionately explains what he thinks the plot of the show will look like. She has no idea what he's talking about, but he sure looks like he means it. She loves when he talks about things that mean a lot to him, and this is one of those times.

"El." Max nudges El's side with her arm.

El looks over at her friend to see a look that basically says, "Explain yourself." El just looks confused at her, wondering what she is expecting to hear.

"You never told me what happened the other night." Max whispers to avoid being heard by the guys.

El should have known that's what she wanted to hear about. After her and Mike hung out at the park, and El went back to Max's house afterwards, Max was confused by the way El was acting. She was in a dazed state as she came back to Max's room.

Max questioned her about what happened, but El wouldn't tell her, a fact that Max was not happy about.

"Nothing happened, I've already told you." El lies to her, looking back and forth from Max to the boys to make sure they can't hear her.

Max of course doesn't buy it, "Nothing? Nothing at all?"

El rolls her eyes, "We just talked for a few minutes and then came back."

Max crosses her arms and eyes her skeptically, "That's it?"

El shrugs, "I may or may not have kissed him on the cheek." She says nonchalantly.

"What!?" Max shouts a little too loud, and she earns the attention of the boys. They're fifteen years old, so this is huge to them.

"What?" Lucas asks, wondering why Max shouted.

Mike, Will, and Dustin also look at El and Max, eyebrows furrowed.

"Nothing we're just... talking about the new love island episode." Max says the first thing that comes to her mind.

"Mad Max watches Love Island?" Lucas at her in suprise, while Max rolls her eyes.

"Yes, now mind your own business."

The guys shrug and resume their conversation, so Max leans back towards El, "Why didn't you tell me?" She whispers this time.

"It's not a big deal." El shrugs. She's lying, she definitely thinks it's a big deal.

Max's eyes widen, "Not a big deal? This is a huge step."

"I guess..."

"What are you two whispering about over there?" Dustin interrupts the two of them.

"N-Nothing." El stutters out nervously.

"Are you sure? You two have been whispering for five minutes-"

"Hey El!" A cheery voice interrupts Dustin.

The group turns to see none other than Jennifer Hayes walking towards them, a smile on her face.

The boys have had quite a past with Jennifer. Her and Stacey used to make fun of them back in middle school, and none of them have forgotten.

"Hey Jennifer." El gives a small smile back, and the rest of the group looks at them confused; everyone except for Dustin. He is the only one who knows that the two of them are friends.

"Hey guys." Jennifer smiles and waves as she reaches the group, joining their circle.

"Hi?" Mike says in a questioning tone, wondering why she is talking to them.

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