Chapter thirteen seiya pov:

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After the argument( if that's what you would call it) in the kitchen that morning. Ruby hasn't mentioned it since. In fact she barely spoke much to me, in bed she would wrap her arm around my waist and ball the ends of my shirt in her hands, like she doesn't want me to go anywhere; but other than that she didn't speak to me.

It was confusing and I honestly didn't understand what was goin on with her. Yes bringing her mother here was a last ditch effort to make her reconsider but I also know she missed her mother. So I didn't think she would have that sort of reaction. It been a while since I've dealt with human emotions and how irrational they could be.

Her mother had been here for over a week and I let the two of them spend most of their time together. I could tell her mother missed her and I know Ruby felt the same as well, so I let them bound since her mother's flight was this afternoon.

I took them out to brunch before driving to the airport.  We waited with her mom until her flight arrived.

"Promise me you'll visit me soon When you can. Both of you." She said looking at me briefly before looking at her daughter.

"I promise. I love you mum" Ruby said hugging her mom tightly. They called the last call for her flight over the intercom. We watched as she waved goodbye one more time before walking into the terminal.

Ruby ran her fingers against my hand and I wrapped my hand around her and we turned to walk back to the car. I know this was hurting her, saying goodbye. I wish she didn't have to say bye. I wish she didn't have to say bye to anyone or anything. When we got to the car I handed her the car keys.

"Here you drive." I tell her going to the passenger door.

"You hardly ever let me drive." She said looking over at me surprised.

"Well now I will." I said winking at her and waited for her to unlock the doors so we could get in.

"What should we do when we get back to the house?" She asked me.

"Whatever you want?" I say with my eyes close trying not to think much.

"How about a movie?" She suggested and I opened my eyes and looked at her.

"Sure." I agreed, smiling and she smiled back before looking at the road.

When we got back to the condo we both threw on some comfortable clothes. Ruby went and sat on the couch and took the remote and flipped though channels on the tv while I popped some popcorn in the microwave. I smiled, listening to the popping sound. I didn't used to have food around here until I met Ruby. I had gotten used to smelling human food around here and I would miss it when she became like me. When it was done I brought it out to the living room and sat it down between us. Ruby had found some scary movie on the tv with some girl running in the woods from something. I smirked raising my eyebrow.

"A horror movie? Really?" I asked laughing. Ruby looked at me and shrugged as she ate some popcorn.

"I like scary movies."

"I see." I said chuckling and pulling my feet up on the couch. Ruby copied my position and laid her head on my shoulder as she ate more popcorn.

"You know as a human I used to hate scary movies." I said as I watched the movie and she looked over at me.

"You're not afraid anymore?"

"No. Not since my life became a horror movie itself. I have nothing to be afraid of." Ruby looked up at me silently for a while before looking back at the tv.

"You're not a monster. You just have new instincts. There are humans who do worse than you do and besides you only do it to survive." She said resuming eating her popcorn and I looked at her as I there silently.

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