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(Ruby pov:)

"Come in." I called as I closed my labtop just as Alice came in with a huge smile on her face.

"Here this was dropped off for you." She said handing me a small wrapped package. I opened it to see the velvet black box. I glanced at up at my pixie like sister to see her practically bouncing off the balls of her feet in excitement.

"Alice." I warned and she pursed her lips."Don't say anything Alice."

"Oh please let me help!"

"And you said something." I said sighing. Alice folded her hands together begging silently.

"No Alice this is something I have to do alone. Besides I already have an idea in mind so there's nothing you can do to help really." I say and she huffed placing her hand on her hips.

"Fine but you owe me." She said and dramatically turned and walked out the room. I rolled my eyes, sighing.

I got up and headed downstairs slowly. It had been 3 weeks since the battle with the Volturi. Well it wasn't really a battle, more of an intense debate. But everything worked out and has gone back to normal. Well normal for our family. I followed the sound of music from the piano. I walked in the room to see Edward was teaching a new song to Renesmee and Bella was leaned against the piano listening. She loved watching Nesise play.

Edward. I called in my head not wanting to interrupt. He looked up, while Nessie eyes were on the piano keys. Can I borrow yours and Bella's special place? I asked and let images of my plan play in my mind. Edward smiled.


Thanks. Where is it located?

"Southeast from here." He said and Bella looked up at him confused, before following his gaze to see me.

Thanks. See you guys later. I say smiling as I left the room.

"What was that about?" I heard Bella ask.

"I'll tell you later." He replied.

I went outside where Esme was working on a home garden and Seiya was helping her. My mate's back was to me as she and Esme were laughing at something. Esme looked up and smiled.

"Oh there goes one of my other beautiful daughters. Are you here to help us?" Esme asked and Seiya turned to look at me:

"I will later I promise mother." I say smiling and Esme smiled pleased and satisfied. She loved hearing me say things like that because I rarely say it. Then again she loved us all like Carlisle did.

"Can I borrow Seiya for a bit? I'll bring her back." I say placing my hand in my pocket.

"Yeah we're almost done so I can finish this up." Esme said smiling. Seiya took off her gardening gloves and laid them on a chair. I laced my fingers in hers. I pulled her farther into where we took off running.

"Ruby where are we going?" Seiya asked as we ran through the woods.

"You'll see in a minute." I say smiling at her.

A few minutes later we entered a large field covered in all kinds of flowers. It was a beautiful scene, the perfect place for what I had in mind.

"Wow what is this place?" Seiya said in awe as she looked around in wonder.

"It's a flower field silly." I laughed and she rolled her eyes.

"No duh Ruby." She said shaking her head, but continued speaking. "Why are we here though?" She asked.

"This is Edward's and Bella's special place. They said we could borrow it." I tell her walking towards the center of the field.

"Borrow it? What for?" She asked even more confused. I stepped closer and pulled her closer to me. She stared at me curiously. Now or never Ruby. What's there to be afraid of. I thought to myself.

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