Chapter fourteen Ruby pov:

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It's been two weeks since coming to this new life. My new life. I was still getting used to how my body moved now. Everything was fluid and graceful. Like all I had to do is think it and before I knew it my body was already performing the movement instantly. I no longer sleep so I spend those hours doing everything and nothing. Some nights I would stare out the window for hours, listening to the sounds outside.

Other times I would sit and talk to my girl until the sun came up. Now that I was like her she seemed more relaxed and open. She used to be more guarded with what she said around me. I actually felt like I was her equal now, rather than some human she felt the need to look after.

One thing that was most difficult to deal with was the thirst. It just would not stop. Seiya managed to get more than her supply but at the rate my thirst was going it would all be gone after two days.

"It feels like you'll go insane from it doesn't it?" She said on my second day as I tried to sip the blood slowly to make it last like she does, but it was so hard not to gulp it down.

"How do you do it babe? This is torture." I got out roughly.

"By concentrating and focusing very hard on other things. But at first I couldn't take it."

"What happened?" I asked curiously, feeling a story to her statement.

"I had resisted as long as I could but the thirst became to uncomfortable. When we're in this state everything is overwhelming so being near humans is like locking a sugar addict in a candy store. I had managed to get around the city late at night, when I came across this man and woman fighting. The guy was more stronger than the woman but she continued to try and fight him off. She managed scratch him with her keys and the man pushed her against the wall hard enough to knock her unconscious.
Not only did seeing that piss me off, but the smell of his blood was enough to set me off. Before I knew it I had drained him of his blood....." she paused and looked at me. "That's the moment I truly realized what I was. That I could never go home or see my friends again." She finished looking away ashamed.

"Hey you didn't have a choice and you saved that woman from some asshole, even if she wasn't conscious to know it at the time." I tried to reassure her.

"But he was still a human. Someone who had a life. They could have been a couple or even married. Or maybe he was having a bad day." She continued but I shook my head.

"There's no excuse for him to put his hands on a woman. That just shows what kind of man he was." I told her and she was quiet before smiling at me.

"Very true words. You know you're kind of wise beyond your years." She complimented laughing and I shrugged.

"Only when I want to be, but everyone should know that. Those types of men are cowards."
"I completely agree with that statement." She replied, and kissed me,which I eagerly returned. Kissing her now felt like a privilege to me. Each time it sent a spark of happiness through me, like a prize I won. I used to feel like that as a human too but everything is stronger, including touch. She pulled away and smirked at me.

"What?" I asked curiously.

"You're distracted."

"Huh?" I asked even more confused and She just looked down and I followed her gaze to see I was still holding the thermos. I hadn't thought about my thirst the whole time she was talking. I looked at her surprised and she grinned, placing her hands around my neck, rubbing my neck with her thumbs.

"Luckily our kind are easily distracted. All you have to do is distract yourself from it and it's all little easier to handle."

By the end of two weeks, I was pacing back in forth upstairs in the bedroom, snarling in irritation. I know she was keeping me inside for my own good but I was losing my mind. I hated being trapped in the house, and on top of that my thirst was getting to me. There was only so many distractions in here that I could use.

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