Breaking Dawn(part three: Ruby pov)

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While we were all chatting we could hear the sound of rapid footsteps followed by startled birds squeaking and flying away. Then we could hear Jacob's pack growling in the woods. We looked at each other alarmed before running in the direction of the sounds. We came upon two male Vampires sitting on a large rock while Jacob and the other wolves growled up at them.

"Vladimir, Stephan, you're a long way from home?" Carlisle said and I heard Kate ask Eleazar what they were doing there in an unfriendly tone.

"We heard the Volturi were moving against you. But that you would not stand alone." The one with the white blonde hair answered.

"We didn't do what we were accused of." Carlisle said in a defensive tone.

"We do not care what you did Carlisle." The blonde haired one, who was Stephan I think said in a dramatic, uncaring tone.

"We have been waiting a millennia for the Italian scum to be challenged." The dark haired one, Vladimir said next to him with a gleeful smile.

"It's not our plan to fight the Volturi." Carlisle told them.

"Shame. Aro's witnesses will be so Disappointed." Stephan said in a mocking tone.

"They enjoy a good fight." Vladimir said with a smile, chuckling. Okay these two were just creepy.

I frowned at two the vampires as they smiled and laughed like this was some kind of game, they only been here five minutes and I already didn't like them.

"Aro's witnesses?" Eleazar said as he stepped closer to Carlisle, questioning.

"Aww. Still hoping they'll listen?" Stephan spat.

I looked to Seiya and saw her mirroring my expression. She wasn't to fond of them either, but she was curious about this witness thing too.

"Let's all go back to the house and discuss this." Carlisle said turning away and we all followed him back.

We all gathered around the living room as Eleazar spoke first.

"When Aro wants someone from a Coven, it's never long before evidence turns up proving that coven committed some crime." He explained.

"So he's done this before?" Bella asked.

"It happened so rarely, I never realized it was a pattern." Eleazar said.

"Apparently he always pardons one person whose thoughts he claims are repentant." Carlisle then spoke.

"This person always has an ability, and there always given a place with the guard." Eleazar explained.

"This is all about Alice. He has no one like her." Edward said looking around at us.

"Which is why she left." Bella said in an upset tone.

"Why does he need witnesses?" Emmett asked from his place next to Rosalie and Esme.

"To spread the word that justice has been served. After he slaughters an entire coven." Alistar said coming into the room. I'm surprised he decided to join the conversation since he was the least reluctant to be here. He usually just watches everyone else suspiciously. He was even worse than Amun. At least Amun was just protective of his coven. This guy was a complete lone vampire. Esme said he was just not a people person but to me he was just a lonely ass. I heard a small laugh come from Edward and looked to see him with a smile on his lips before he fixed it so no one noticed. I smirked and felt  Seiya squeeze my hand next to me as she looked at me curiously but I shook my head.

At the mention of covens being slaughtered, it seemed to make everyone shift nervously. Amun looked to his mate before walking over to Benjamin and Tia.

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