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Seiya pov:

We had been with the Cullens for over a week now, and to say it was different was an understatement. It was like they live ordinary lives apart from the fact that  they suck blood. They had hobbies , and went to work and everything.

There was a total of seven of them. Carlisle was the father figure and was a doctor at the local hospital.

Esme was his wife , who was the sweetest and kindest woman I've ever met. She certainly gave off the role as mother of the family.

Then there was Rosalie, she was beautiful with her blonde hair and swelvet  figure, but to me she had nothing on Ruby, especially my loves eyes. Which for some reason Edward smiled at. I don't know why they didn't turn red but I'm thankful for the anomaly.

Then there was her mate Emmett, who was a big muscled guy with dark hair and a mischievous smile. He had a funny big brother type of personality about himself that made me laugh.

There was Alice who was small like a pixie according to Edward, with a dark short pixie hairstyle. Edward told me she was kind of the fashionista of the family and kept everyone's clothing up to date. Like Edward she also had a gift. She could literally see the future.

"Well that's just great, she sees the future and I get a danger detector. Nice." I said sarcastically  the first night here when they showed us to a room we could stay in. Apparently she saw us coming because there was clothes already in the closet waiting for us.

I think yours is great babe." Ruby smiled, trying to cheer me up and I smiled and kissed her.

Then there was Jasper, Alice's mate. Like us they actually came and found Carlisle and the others. Also like Edward and Alice he had a gift too. He could manipulate and feel others emotions.

Everyone was perfectly matched with their mates. Except Edward and I wondered why he didn't have a partner.

Besides the parents and me and Ruby. The others were like teens but of course they acted older, which I guess they were. They were all very welcoming to us, Although they all registered different levels of shock and surprise when they saw Ruby's eyes. I could tell it made her uncomfortable with their stares. So I immediately changed topics.

"So what type of diet do you all have to get eyes like that?" I asked as Ruby sat next to me on a beige leather couch looking at the decor in awe of the moderately decorated house. Or maybe this was a small mansion. Because it was huge let me tell you.

"We're vegetarians." Carlisle answered  and Ruby and me looked at each other in confusion. Maybe that was something different than it meant in the human term. "We only hunt animals."

"Animals?" Ruby quoted  in a weak voice like it made her uncomfortable, which it probably did. My girl was a nature lover. She loved everything about it, animals included. As a human she wouldn't even eat animals.

"Yes, mostly dears and bears and the occasional mountain lion if we spot one." Edward smiled grimly, no doubt reading Ruby's thoughts.

"It's not the best, but it's better than the alternative." Carlisle explained with an uncomfortable laugh.

"Does it satisfy the thirst?" I asked feeling my own thirst raging. I was low on blood supply back home but Ruby needed it more so I gave her my share, but she doesn't know that. I saw Edward look at me and I mentally thought for him not to say anything. Instead he cleared his throat while looking at the two of us.

"You two are welcome to come hunting with us in a few days to see if you like it or not."

"Yes you should definitely come! I think you will both like it." Alice chirped up, her eyes staring at us unmoving for a second before blinking again. I'm taking a wild guess but I think she just did her look into the future thing.

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