Forever after

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Ruby pov:

"Okay I think we got gifts for everyone." Seiya said as we walked out of the many boutiques and shops that line lined the fisherman's wharf. We were back in Victoria Canada for our honeymoon since we didn't get to enjoy it like we wanted last time. We were doing everything that we didn't get to do or see before, and I even printed out another list of the top Ten places to see while here and we were going to do them all.

"Do you think everyone will like their gifts?" My wife asked looking at the handful of bags she was holding. I smiled at her and laced my hand in hers.

"I'm sure they will love them." I say as we walked up the boardwalk , passing by fisherman and other selling seafood , along with a few street performers.

"What should we do next? There's a whale watching tour we could do." I say looking at the list.

"We could do that but why watch from a boat when we can get close and personal." Seiya replied and I looked at her curiously.

"What are you talking about?"

"Let's go swimming with whales rather than just watch them." She said smiling at me like I'm missing the obvious. And I guess I was.

"How are we gonna do that?" I asked.

"One of the things we can do is stop breathing entirely and that comes in handy underwater. So no fear of drowning." She said and I finally got why she was saying.

"Is that really such a good idea though." I said unsure.

"Let's just try it. It'll be like scuba diving minus giant air tanks on our backs." She said laughing and I rolled my eyes at her joke although the idea did sound fun.

"Okay let's go to the hotel and change." I replied.

Once we were changed we went over to one of the piers and made sure it was empty before jumping in the water.  I'll admit the fact that I wasn't panicking from the need to breathe was strange and a bit uncomfortable not using my lungs for air. We swam out towards the distant boats on the water that were a few yards away from a pod of whales that were playing in the water. We watched them as they circled around the boat as if they knew they were being watched.

There was also a few seals and Sealions swimming around. I watched it all clearly with a smile on my face completely in awe. I never would have been able to experience this as a human. At least not like this. We stayed down there for hours just watching the marine life and even shared a few underwater kisses.

When we finally came up it was dark and we were able to put back on our clothes that we stashed by the pier and walked back to our hotel. When he arrived I looked at the big queen sized bed, before looking at my wife, wondering if her mind was heading in the same direction mine was.

"What should we do now?" I asked quietly, watching her.

"Well we could rent a movie and cuddle." She said and smiled as her fingers trailed over the silk sheets.

"That would be nice but it was thinking something else." I say coping her movements.

"I figured you would say that." She smirked but then pouted. "I think the hotel would frown on the destruction of hotel furniture. Especially since some of this stuff is probably priceless and antiques." She replied and I grinned.

"Oh so you're feeling destructive?" I say walking closer to her, as my fingers still trailed along the sheets.

"The term screw like bunnies comes to mind." She replied and I laughed.

"So the only thing stopping us from doing that is the bed right?" I asked and she chuckled.

"Not the only thing but yes it's one of them." She said and nodded while smiling.

"I think I know the solution to that." I say before pulling at the covers on the bed along with the pillows and laying them out on the floor. I looked up from my handiwork and grinned. "Problem solved." I say taking the last few steps towards her and wrapping my arms around her as she laughed.

"Nice thinking my love." She said before kissing me. She lightly bit my bottom lip before I pulled away, remembering something.

"I never did show you this tattoo did I?" I say looking at her wide eyed.

"What tattoo?" She asked confused and in answer I pulled my bottom lip down, where the word Meow was written.

"Oh my god! What?! When did you get that?" She asked.

"This was my second tattoo. I thought it would be cool." I said laughing.

"What does it stand for?" She asked and I looked at her confused.

"All your tattoos stand for something. So what does this one mean?" She clarified.

"Oh well take a wild guess." I answered grinning at her and she was quiet as she stared at me and I knew she was thinking  about it because her face changed when she came to a conclusion.

"Naughty Vampire." She said with an eye roll and I laughed before I responded.

"Meow." I said like a cat and she blinked at me, silently before wrapping her arms around my neck.

"That is so....fucking hot. This has got to happen right now." She said tugging at my shirt and pulling it off, before wrapping her legs around my waist and crushed her lips to mine. We both laughed as we sunk to the floor on top of the silk covered sheets and pillows.

I knew I would be preoccupied on my mate's body for the next several hours and I planned to enjoy every second of  it. Along with my honeymoon and our Forever after.

(List of characters for all of you who never seen the movie lol. P.S. I loved this song back in high school lol)

A/n: this story is now done.....for now lol. I hope you all enjoyed reading my version of Twilight and that it touched all twilight fans out there!
You also might be wondering how Ruby saw The ghosts of Seiya's parents at their wedding. Well it has something to do with her ability but I'll get to explaining that in the sequel I have planned. It won't be written  for a while because of all the stories I have to finish or start, but just stay tuned everyone! See you in the next story!

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