Chapter five Ruby Pov:

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I haven't seen Seiya in over a week. After I realized the charm fell off her bracelet I went over to her condo but she wasn't home. Then the next day she wasn't at the coffee shop.

I felt even more suspicious that it was her in that alleyway now. But why couldn't she just tell me? I would have been so grateful. I still had a few things I don't understand now that I know it was her. Like how did she pull him off me so swiftly. Or how she held him up despite she was half his size. It was almost inhuman. But that's impossible.

I reached for my phone and called her number again on my way to her condo but it  just went straight to voicemail.

By time I got there it was dawn and i knocked on her door and waited but I heard no sound on the inside. I  sighed and decided to go home, and I would try to keep calling her.
If I'm being completely honest with myself it was more than me just wanting answers now. I missed her and my mind kept coming up with all kind of crazy conclusions for her not answering or being home. I've gotten used to seeing her every day and when I don't, it feels like my day is less bright. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm not necessarily going out with her. She doesn't belong to me so she doesn't owe me anything.

With her soft, long  dark hair, full lips and flawless pale skin and eyes that seemed to change by the day. Since she's been gone for over a week , I've even come to start dreaming about her, and in those dreams it was like she walking away from me and as much as I try to catch up to her and call her name, she doesn't respond and just gets farther and farther away until she's gone. What if that's really the case? That she's left and isn't coming back? It's not like I knew everything about her. I rubbed my chest as a sharp pain ran through my heart at the thought of her leaving. But why should I care, I've only known her for a short time. And as I've said before, going on one date doesn't mean we're dating. Then why do I feel so sad at the thought of her leaving?

Seiya pov:

I sat in my car as I watched after my target as he talked to some men. It was mid afternoon and my car was tinted to protect me from the sun. I had been gone a whole week now. Not that I intended to be gone that long but this guy took a while to track down. Not being able to track well  makes survival a lot harder. I sighed frustrated as I thought about my life or should my existence. I dont  have much of a life anymore...

I didn't really want to but I had left for two reasons. The first reason was to restock my blood supply from my connection. The other reason was to hunt living prey. I had to hunt at least once a month, because those bags of blood disappears quickly, and blood from an actual human is always better but I never hunt down innocent people. Just because my life was stolen from me doesn't mean I'll take some other undeserving persons life. To think that this is how I'll live for now on. Forever hunting down human predators and surviving on blood bags in between. Unless someone discovers some alternative, like a blood substitute or better yet a cure, this was now my life.

Luckily while I was still human I made a few smart choices and used my father's inheritance and the will he left me to put together a blood drive charity. I  have one of the workers meet up with me every month to deliver a few pints to help me survive every month and I pay them a bit extra for the trouble. That one employee is the only one from my past that knows I'm still....alive in a way and I told him I'm safe and that I use the blood to help someone with a rare blood disease. Luckily they didn't bother to question it after that. Another thing I'm not to good at is telling the perfect lie. Besides them, everyone else like my family and friends think I've just disappeared for the last ten years and trust me as much as I miss them, it's safer that way.

Also the other reason is to hunt down human monsters, who the world wouldn't miss like murders, rapiest and all the other lowest of the low in humans. I don't know who the person is who changed me into this creature but I imagine they were the lowest of the low of monsters.

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