Chapter nine Ruby pov:

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I woke up feeling the sun hit my face and moaned as I rolled away from the sun ,stretching. I snuggled into the covers , trying to fall back to sleep  when I realized Seiya's beautiful cold body wasn't anywhere near me. I expected to wake up to see her staring at me like she normally does. I rolled over on my back and stared at the ceiling as flashes of last night came back to me. You would think feeling her cold body and hands roaming all over me would be a turn off but it wasn't. If anything it increased the pleasure I felt. I'm used to bringing pleasure with my other partners but with Seiya it was different. I was prepared to guide and  instruct her on what to do but she barely needed my assistance. She had me panting and moaning as her fingers and lips roamed and teased over my body. I had completely lost myself to her most of the time.

The only time I had to help her was when she was close  loosing herself to blood lust. She was so sure she was gonna hurt me but once she got passed her fear, she became a natural, almost like she's done it before. The way our body fit together after that was like two pieces of a puzzle. We complimented each other like fire and ice. Another thing that made last night amazing is we confessed that we love each other and I can tell my confession made an impact on her.

I got out of bed and went to the closet, pulling out one her T-shirts and threw it on. I then went downstairs and found my vampire in the kitchen making something. I went up and wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her neck.

"Good morning." I say leaning my chin on her shoulder.

"Good morning." She replied to me with a smile.

"What are you making ?"

"Your breakfast." She said laughing as she stirred a bunch of ingredients in the pan.

"When did you learn to make this? Also what is it?" I asked chuckling as I looked at the food over her shoulder. I really didn't know what it was but it smelled good.

"I got this off the internet. Reviews from others said it was good , but you'll have to be the judge of that. I can't taste any of this." She said scooping a small amount on a spoon and putting it to my lips. "Might want to blow first, it's hot." She replied and I stepped away from her waist and blew it before putting it in my mouth.

Seiya watched me silently as I chewed it. "Tastes good to me." I replied pecking her lips, making her smile pleased.

"That's good. I was afraid I added to much salt. I was never much of a cook as a human." She said turning off the stove. I grabbed a plate from the cabinet and was about to make a plate full.

"No let me do it." Seiya replied taking the plate from me. I looked at her and smiling and kissed her cheek.

"Thank you. I'll wait for you over here." I say taking a seat at the island table. I watched as she fixed the plate , then came over and the plate down in front of me. I thanked her again and began eating as she sat across from me , a thermos already sitting in place.

"You did a good job making this for a vampire." I say smiling and winked at her.

"Glad you like it."she said winking back. It was quiet while I ate and she looked me over her eyes roaming over all she could see.

"What wrong?" I asked as I took another bite of food.

"Did you get hurt last night?" She replied and I looked at her shocked.

"No. Why you ask?" I said and she was quiet before she reached across the table and pulled at my arm, tilting it and showing me some dark spots.

"Woah. Where did this come from?" I said frowning down at my arm. In answer, Seiya placed her finger's against the spots and they matched.

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