The Melodrama

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It was the first week after summer break and I don't have count of how many times I have missed classes. It was the second last year to high-school year and we would be the the second-seniors.

I was late by 15 minutes already and Mr.Torrent didn't seem to like me so much anyway.


"Seriously? You turned 17 last night and you still ain't gonna lose your chastity, babe?" Kiara shrieked as she ran through her hair.

"Or say loose your flower!" Abby false quoted. Abby was a little taller than me, her eyelashes so long and beautiful, you could sit and wonder how she had this perfect set of brown eyes.

"What! I just don't think am ready yet. Is it a rule or something?" I said as we ran through the hallway. The choir group pointed at us and started whispering. It was their daily routine. I never saw what they so badly worshiped about us.

"Don't be so loud or you might get us laughed at too." Abby hit me on the back of my head. I rolled my eyes.

"Not one girl here is a virgin, babe. Not even Maggie. And yet you, the home coming queen."

"Kia, I am not..." I began.

"Correction, the home coming queen - to be!" Kiara said. She was the brunette among us. She had blue eyes, crimson lips and gorgeous hair that cut down at her waist.


Kiara McMillan and Abigail Nora were my bffs. We shared most of our interests. We loved biking early morning through the woods. We listened to the same band. We flirted with cute guys and hung out together like all the time.

We also had a few other things in common other than our interests. We had rich dads. We had moms who loved togossipand get facials. And we had pretty huge homes. Just being our parent's daughters doesn't make us miniatures of them. But, that was something very few people at our school had the ability to understand.

Gradually, we forgot against it too and I am now the miniature form of Mrs. Laura Phalange and I simply love being my mom.

People adored us, they treated us like we owned the school. But we never meant for them to do these things. I bet no one says no to fans either. So, yes since 13 we became very much used to the idols, the other girls made of us. Though then, like every other high school story, there were few people, normally the goth people, who hated us and plotted against us every single night. But, being a blonde cheerleader does pay and I have never regretted it so far.


"Regina, it's the third time your coming in late this week!" Mr. Torrent said as he turned to wipe the board. "I know, Mr.Torrent." I said. Uh, huh. The blonde cheerleader doesn't have to apologize to anybody for anything. I almost have forgot what word is to be used to apologize. Almost as I said it, the class broke into whispers. "Right, Get in." Mr. Torrent ushered us to our seats like that was the only way to silence the class.

I hardly listened to his lectures anymore. I have always got As in paper and honestly, my grades were completely true. I didn't black-mail the staff nor did my dad. My grades and my tennis were the two things I would have always owned even if I wasn't The Phalange blood.


Somebody from the far right passed a note to me. 'You look gorgeous! - Riley Stevenson.' It said. Uh, typical. I thought. I looked to see who it was. It was a new guy. He had a calm tone, blue eyes and sharp features. He rolled his eyes. I didn't understand. Wasn't I supposed to do that. He took his pen and pointed to the seat next to me. He pointed Abby. I felt red. I gave him a uh-oh smile, not trying to over do it and he rolled his eyes again. This guy's going to be one hell of a classmate I thought as I passed the note to Abby.


I took out a gum from Kiara's bag and had it as we walked out of class.

"Cute guy said I am gorgeous." Abby said as we took out our history papers from our lockers. I tried not to be familiar with it.

"Stick down for once, Abby. Maybe you will like him." I said.

"This is the one thing that's driving me nuts, Reggie. You are everthing everyone wants to be but, what is that you have with the opposite sex?" She said as we walked down the hall.

"What! I flirt, I kiss and I date. Ain't that okay?" I asked.

"Noooooooo. It's totally not okay. Firstly, You have to loose your flower and try some short time relationships." Abby said.

"I don't know about that. I would feel less of me if I let a man take-over." I said as I twirled my hair. We got into our seats.

"I feel like am friends with a 1560's french revolutionist." Kiara said as she put down her bag.

I smirked and bumped my head with her before I took my seat.

To everyone out there, cheers! I came up with this after a lot of thought. Why is that everyone sees only the good in either the newbies or the shy people? Why not the popular and sassy ones? It's not like it's their fate or anything!

Please do VOTE and COMMENT! Will update ASAP


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