Uh - oh!

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It was Wednesday and when I got home from school, a huge present with a pink satin ribbon was on my bed. I washed myself, brushed my hair and changed into a long tee. I sat on my big pink bed and tied my hair into a messy bun.

I opened the present and inside was a note from my cousin. Happy birthday swine! It read. Robert Mayhem was the only human being on earth who dared talk to me like that since I was ever born. He left to college last year and it is only when I am with him that I don't care about lip-gloss or short skirts. I scraped through the covers and inside was a CD and next to it was another note Play it only when you feel like you need to me next to you. Okay, I thought. I put the covers into the bin and the CD into my dresser. I took my phone and read through the texts.

Reg, meet us at the lacrosse pitch at 5, babe. The cute guy asked out Abby.

- kiarachweet

Ooh! Can't wait. Rob gave me a b'day present.


It was 4 already. I got into a tank top and my running shorts. I pulled my hair back into a pony and looked at my mirror. Chic enough. I grabbed my phone and put on head phones. Blank space. Typical guy story.

I was about to pull the drapes to my window when I saw him for the first time. He was pulling a motorcycle from a van with his father. He was next door to me and from the looks of it the room next to my window was his - band posters, a guitar and lot of guy's clothes. Wow! Another cute guy. I ran out my home and took a better look at him. He wore a black tee with loose fitting pants. He was rugged and yes, I was kinda drooling. He looked up at me as his dad pulled the motorcycle into his home.

"Hi, Wayne Cox." He gave me his hand. I bent my head to one side as I shook his hands.

"Regina Phalange. Where do you go to school?" I asked as he put his hands into his pocket.

"West Morton. I have seen you a couple of times." He said as he moved a portrait of the van. "I have been living here for over a week now and parents just moved in after me. They had to settle my grandma back in the country."

He talked to me like I was just another girl and though it hurt my giant-sized ego, I seemed to like it.

"Great. See you around." I turned back to leave.

"You betcha, bitch." He whispered only so loud so I could hear him.

"What did you just say?" I asked as I turned to him. I thought for a second I liked him and he just said that to my face. He had already walked along, carrying the portrait into his living room.

Not that it was the first time someone said that about me. I had never really cared because they were either jealous or pitiable. But this guy wasn't both. He was new to town and he wasn't a nerdy girl. I ran faster so I could get that idiot's smirk out of my mind.


"There you are, baby doll. Look, look." Kiara pointed towards two people talking under a tree.

"I bet they are Ab..by and what.. was his name?" I asked panting.

"Riley Stevenson, Reg and why had you to run so fast?" She asked patting my back. I slumped onto the grass and sat cross-legged. I told her everything.

"Big deal. Like it's new to us, babe." She said as she pulled out a few grass and threw them across.

"I know right. But, he doesn't even know me..." I said playing with my toes.

"We ain't bitches, Reggie. The people who know us know that too well. Let alone, losers." She shook my shoulders and kissed my head.

"ILY!" I punched her on her gut and we both fell back onto the grass.

"Hi muffins! Here's your cupcake, Ms. Abby." Abby shrieked as she sat next to us.

I rolled my head and looked up on one side. I did my favorite catch-phrase.

"Uh-What-uh-did he-uh-say? I said in my fake voice.

"Just the usual flirting stuff and then he asked me out tomorrow night to the movies." She shrieked again.

"You are coming over to mine, this time Reggie." Kiara said before I could even open my mouth. Because, every time we go out on dates we come home late, our parents being the not so normal parents worry their brains out of their head. So we sleepover at each other's home or that's what we say. As we walked back home, Kiara told Abby about my bitch-incident.

"Wayne, huh? Let's see about that." She said. And that's when I realized I wasn't so upset because it was just another guy, it was because this guy just made me realize the feelings for the opposite sex. I cringed and a light pang of jealousy hit me when Abby said his name and I had no idea why.


I had dinner with the girls outside and got back into my long tee once I was home. I brushed my hair and washed myself again. I moved the drapes on my window aside as I switched on the music player and all I had were haters and breakup songs. I placed the 1990's CD and went to look out my window.

It was his room and there was only a yard's gap between our windows. I could look into his room, every nook and corner and that meant he could look into my room too. Maybe he got the bitch feeling from my band posters, guitar and everything else worth at least half his house. Why do I even care. I sat on my sill and slowly drifted in my thoughts. I heard a creak of a door and I opened my eyes. He was there into his room with wet hair and shirtless. He looked tough and none-the-less goddamn. He looked up to me and while I sat there hoping he would give me a night's warm smile, he pulled his window shut.

Some stirring feelings to keep the readers hooked. Wayne ain't an easy catch and Regina isn't gonna care much either.

Thnx for reading along!


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