The Football game...

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"Hey, Kia?" I spoke into my phone, still half asleep. It was probably still dark or my drapes were still on.

"Regina, wake up. Today's the game!" Kiara shrieked at the other end.

"Are you up already?"

"Are you kidding me? I am at the field. I have been here for the past fifteen minutes and all the other girls are here too."

"What time is it?" I opened my mouth and yawned as I rubbed my eyes.

"Reg, it's 8! The game starts in a couple of hours. By the way, Wayne wants a good luck kiss." She whispered the last sentence.

"Yeah, like he would. We haven't yet had our first kiss, babe." I smirked and emptied my closet trying to find the clothes I had to wear today.

"You are such a dork!"

"What color are the ribbons, again?"

"Red, just like the uniforms." She wasn't interested in the conversation anymore. "Yeah, Hayden." She laughed as I carried my stuff to the bathroom along with yes, my phone.

At times, I listen to music streaming from my phone when I take long showers. 

"Yes, I'll give you a kiss if you win the game today. - Yes, on the lips. - Okay Hay, a long one." She giggled.

"Cut the call, idiot Kiara." I turned the tap and slid my hand into the shower to check the heat.

"I'll see you in a while, come soon, okay?" 

"Sure, will be there in thirty."


"Hey, Val. Hey, Mia...Nessy." I grinned at everyone of the girls of the squad as I made my way to the pit. 

"Hi, Reg." Emma walked towards me along with Kiara and Abby.

"Emma." I smiled as I tugged at my pony tail. She didn't care to smile back but went over the podium and entered the team's changing room.

"She is busy with her chores, anyway." Abby shrugged and crossed her legs as she sat on the front seats.

"Yeah, looks like it. Is it Lauren or Cameron this time?" I smiled back at her.

"Cameron is going to have you, today, Reg." Hayden raised his brows as he walked over.

"****-off, Hayden. No one's going to have me today. If he wants, he can have Emma." I glared at him.

"Okay, if you say so...Hey there, my man." He knocked his wrists with Wayne. They were dressed in red jerseys. The game commenced in another hour.

I raised my head and stared at him in a way I hoped I looked seductive enough.

"My sunshine." He grabbed my arm and wrapped his arms around me.

"Uh, Wayne. The whole school's watching us." I blushed though I had been trying  hard not to since that movie date.

"You forgot the opponent team, my sunshine." I noticed the crease that his lips made and all the nervousness made me feel revolting. 'Why was I so weird?'

"Where's Riley?" I asked fidgeting in his hold. 

"Is it that important now?" He pushed my locks behind my ear and I looked elsewhere.

"Yeah, so..."

"I did ask for a good-luck kiss though." He shrugged and pulled my face by my chin which made me give an odd pout.

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