Triple date!

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"A Rom-Com? Seriously Riley, are you gay? If yes please tell me now. Abby is going to kill herself." I yelled through my phone as I packed my bags after the cheer practice.

"Shut up, Peach. I wanted to watch Avengers, it was Kiara's choice. I couldn't argue since it was mine last time." I shook my head as I walked through the empty corridor. Abby and Kiara left early and   Mrs. Campbell wanted me to practice a few stunts alone with her. 

We were going on a double date to the cinemas and Kiara hooked up with a fellow jock, Hayden to keep her company. Hayden had been behind Kiara like from the first day he set his eyes on her. But I don't think she is going to settle with him either. Yet though, he is hot, really, really hot.

"Okay, the movie starts at 8, okay? We will pick you girls up from Abby's."

"Why didn't you tell me before? I brought my car to school." Every time, he always decided how and when things were going to be. Except this time, the theater scheduled the time. I threw my bag into the back seat and got behind the wheel.

"See you at 8 then, Peach." He cut the call before I could answer. I shook my head as I revved the beetle out of my lot. 


I got out from the passenger seat as I saw Hayden walk over to hand a bouquet of roses to Kiara.'A gentleman now, are you?' Roses were my favorite flowers. So were Kiara's and Abby's. We had dressed elegantly, all in black and just got out the car at the theater.

"I can't believe its you, Hayden." I shrugged as he wrapped his right arm around me.

"Do me a favor and keep this a secret."


"I think I am in love with your best friend." He whispered in my ear.  I shook my head in disbelief and opened my mouth to say something when Wayne walked over to us.

"Take your hands off her." He raised an eye brow. I chuckled but did not move.

"Why do you even bother?" Not many people knew about me and Wayne. We hadn't made it official. Oh, come on...We hadn't even confessed.

"She's mine." He snapped and pulled me away from him. He wrapped his arms around me and I realized there was nothing more in this world than your man owning you in public. Say, letting the world know about us.

"Dude, who are you kidding? She's Cameron's and the whole town is talking about it." He smirked and turned to walk away.

Wayne face turned pale but not as much as mine.

"Hayden, stop. What are you talking about?" I pulled him by his arm.

"Reg, Cameron likes you. Every one in senior class knows about this."

"So what? It doesn't mean I am his, okay?"

"You ought to, Reg. Seriously, he is the football captain and you are the head cheerleader. You can only be his."

"Save your ****, Hay! I am not his. Don't say that again, ever."

"Okay, but when the whole school says it for you... Reg, football season's in a week, you'll know." He shrugged again. Riley, Kiara and Abby walked over to the queue for the tickets.

"You ****-****! She's mine, okay? I'll go kick that Cameron's **** first thing tommorrow." Wayne gripped his hand tighter over my waist. 'Why was this turning me on, like now?' I cursed myself.

"Wayne, stop." He pulled back a chuckle and Wayne clenched his jaw. "He's the captain, he will throw you out even if you argue with him."

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