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Abby turned back from her seat in front of me and psst-ed me. I was sitting beside the window with Abby in front of me. We were in Mr. Ferguson's class and calculus was one paper I had to read before the exams to score an A. Frankly, calculus drove me mad and talking in class drove Mr. Ferguson mad, very mad. I ignored her for a couple of times.

"Psst. Psst. Reg." She fluttered her hands in front of me and I glared at her.

"Abigail, are you nuts? He is already looking at us." I hissed. Lauren Lockhart, the guy I most recently kicked at, motioned at me to zip my mouth from the seat beside me. 

"Shut up, Lauren." I hit him with my ruler. He grabbed it and placed it inside his bag. I glared at him and got back to Mr. Ferguson waiting for him to meet my eyes so I could nod like I understood.

"Reggieeeee." Abby kicked back on my calf. I frowned and shook my head as to ask her what she wanted.

"Riley keeps calling me, he wants me to come to the med-room immediately." She giggled as she showed the 8 missed calls on her phone.

"Is he ****ing serious?" I grabbed at her phone and started texting him.

Can't. In Mr.Ferguson's class.

- abbyluvsu

I put her phone into my bag that lay next to my chair. ZZZZZ. The phone vibrated within a minute. I looked around and thanked god no one had heard me except for Kiara who hit her head and mouthed at me to cut it off. Of course, the school preps and jocks get to sit at the back of the class. Always. 

I picked up her phone, with my eyes still on Mr.Ferguson hoping he wouldn't notice me. 

Bae, you don't wanna miss this. ;)

- rileylyksitnew

Oh, for heaven's sake. Didn't that guy have any other job? It had been a week since we had got back from the beach and things had been pretty smooth between me and Wayne and pretty slurry between Riley and Abby. Kiara made it point, she was going to look for her man, I still can't believe Kiara even said that. She never stuck onto one person, it has always been a game for her and might I say she was a very talented player.

I was about to text back to him when the ****** phone went off.                                                                               'Tonight I am loving youuuuu.'

 I was startled and out of instinct, out of pure instinct I threw it to Abby before Mr. Ferguson turned our way.

"Abigail, how rude?" He adjusted his glasses. "Out, NOW."

"I am so sorry." I whispered leaning forward.

"Reggie darling, I can go see Riley now." She shrieked and waved a bye to me and Kiara.

I shook my head and Kiara smiled at me. I smiled back and took out my papers and decided I should at least find out what page he was on.

Not two whole minutes had passed by Abby knocked on the window glass. I glared at her and gestured to her that if she wasn't going to go, I would poke her with my pencil. She begged for me to open the sill. I rolled my eyes and tilted my seat side ward so I could reach the latch. I opened the window a few inches and immediately looked at Mr. Ferguson who was still at the board.

"I left my phone on my seat." She pointed to her phone on her seat. I couldn't reach it unless I stood up.

"Can't reach." I mouthed.

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