Disney day!

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For those who haven't been to Disney world, here's a list of world's inside Disney world so you could simply catch up! *winks*

  Tomorrow land                                                                                                                                                                           Fantasy land                                                                                                                                                                       Adventure land                                                                                                                                                                           Main street                                                                                                                                                                       Hollywood land                                                                                                                                                                         Paradise Pier                                                                                                                                                                               Frontier land                                                                                                                                                                                New Orleans's square 

Not that most of it matter, but it sure is fun!

"Regina! Regieeee!" I turned my head with a half eaten apple stuck to my mouth. I was having lunch at the canteen with Riley and my boyfriend. Abby and Kiara were no where to be seen since gym class.

"Whhat iz itt, Kee?" I gobbled my apple and stuttered on it and Riley patted my head to subside the ecstatic cough.

"Slow down, Kia." Wayne grabbed her arm as she pulled a chair to sit down. Abby waved at us and walked to the service area.

"Hay..Hayden asked..ask...me to be his girl friend." She said between heavy breaths.

"Yeah... so?" Wayne raised a brow.

"Take your boy friend away from me, Reg." She glared at him. 

"No, seriously, so?" He asked again.

"Hayden, I have had feelings for him from the start. Having Abby and Regina as best friends I couldn't go tell them I was all eyes on one boy, could I?"

"What do you mean, idiot?" Of course, I understood what true love was.

"No, no. You would have laughed at me, like I always laughed at you." She shrugged.

"She liked me so much, didn't she?" Wayne hugged me by his arm. I looked at him and then he kissed me, on my lips.

"I thought you were against PDA." Abby handed a tray to Kiara and sat next to me.

"Not a..anymore." I said between kisses.


"So, Hayden and you, eh?" We were at our weekly sleep over and Wayne was out for the night with his parents. I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling and the girls were stuck to the television.

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