Chapter Nineteen - Interruptions

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The meeting with Dumbledore turned out to just be introducing Snape to the mission. I was still kept mostly in the dark.

Weeks passed by and we had begun studying for all our exams. We had our last quidditch match this morning and some idiot decided an eight AM match was a good idea. It seemed to be in Slytherin's favor because not only did they crush us in the match but they also crushed our spirits. We were out of the running for sure now.

I was currently sat beneath my favorite beach tree studying while the twins were playing with the giant squid. Lee was off doing something with Alicia and Angelina.

Studying for history of magic was painfully boring and I kept nodding off. At one point I had fallen asleep entirely and I could feel myself falling over when my head fell onto someone's shoulder.

"Can't catch a break can you." A calm voice said is I perked up to see who it was.

"Nope." I replied with a smile on my face as I realized the person I was leaning on was Cedric.

"Well I believe your exam isn't till next week so I was wondering if you wanted to spend the day together." He offered.

"Anything to get away from this." I said shoving my notes off my lap and jumping to my feet.

"Where should we go then?" He asked.

"A walk perhaps?" I suggested and Cedric nodded in agreement while waving his hand ahead of him to begin our stroll.

Our stroll lasted quite some time and I was sure we had fully circled the school by now. We indulged ourselves in deep conversation about Hogsmeade and quidditch. Cedric was quite pleasant to be around when there were no conversation interrupters but he seemed to get quite jealous. I wonder if it was an only child thing.

When the sun began setting it was time to go back inside and make our way to the great hall for supper. Cedric followed me back to the beach tree to collect my abandoned notes but they had already been taken and there was a piece of parchment stuffed into the dirt.

"We took your notes back to the common room." -Fred and George

"Fred and George took my notes back to the commo room for me. Let's go to supper." I said as I pocketed the note.

"That's nice of them." He said.

"Well they are nice when they want to be." I replied.

"So they're only nice to you then." Cedric claimed.

"There nice to the people they actually like. I think they want me all to themselves and don't like it when I spend time with you so that's probably why they don't care for you. they aren't fond of Hufflepuffs." I explained.

"why don't they like us?" he asked defensively.

"what your doing is exactly why. you guys ask so many questions." i said in an exasperated tone. 

"are you the same way? do you not like Hufflepuffs?" he said.

"your just proving my point." I said with a laugh.

He didn't say another word and instead was swinging his arm back and forth in big animated swings and I think he was trying to bump it into my hand but I pulled my hand closer to me preventing him from being able to bump into it and then hold it.

Cedric and I are friends but we aren't that close.

When we arrived in the great hall Cedric said goodbye to me and I just waved as I hurried to the twins' spot at the Gryffindor table.

"How was studying?" George asked me knowing full well I had abandoned my notes under the tree.

"Well I didn't really do any studying since I kept getting interrupted." I explained.

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