Chapter Twenty-four - Snape, once again, unsuccessful

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Professor Quirrell was a peculiar professor and the twins and i had taken to skipping his class. now, we wouldn't exactly skip the entire class but we would often ask for our assignments at the beginning of class and then slip out once he was deep into his lectures. while his lectures were rather boring they were also quite triggering for me. Fred was the only one who truly knew why i suggested we skip lectures but George and on occasion Lee were up to it.

we were currently making our way to quidditch practice after supper on a pleasant Tuesday evening. i had recently imported a new broom gauge that measured my altitude. i had been digging in the quidditch books again and saw that many of the most famous chasers used altitude gauges during practices so i decided to invest in one myself.

"Chloe stop launching the Quaffle at my head please!" Alicia shouted from below me.

"that's how i aim it at you though." i replied.

"find a better way." she said flying next to me.

"we've been practicing together for over a year i don't understand why you suddenly want me to change my technique." i said stating a viable point.

"she gets scared when you throw fast." Angelina interrupted our conversation.

"Angelina!" Alicia shouted at her in embarrassment as she tried to grab Angelina's broom tail.

 "well we practice for a reason. we should probably be helping you get over your fear." i said with mock sympathy.

"Oy, girls we've got ourselves a seeker. come meet him." Oliver shouted at us from the ground.

we flew down to the ground in record time racing one another to be the first to reach the soft grassy surface first. the twins were already on the ground waiting for us and they seemed to be shielding the new seeker.

"did you already know about this?" i asked the twins casually.

"Oliver told us while you were in the bathroom earlier. we actually ran into him but you were a bit behind us and we didn't want to wait for you on the way to divination." Fred explained.

"honestly I'm not even surprised that he told you but he could have at least told me. i said thrusting the Quaffle in Oliver's direction.

"everyone, I'd like you to meet our new seeker and the newest member of the Gryffindor Quidditch team Harry Potter." Oliver announced.

"Harry what now?" i asked and Harry was revealed by the twins holding a new broom.

"Hey, Chlo." harry said coolly.

"This is the best day ever!" i said excitedly as i high fived harry and then Oliver.

"so how did you manage to get a first year on the team?" Alicia inquired.

"McGonagall actually. she pulled me out of class and told me harry was the new seeker. didn't really have much of a say but he's proven himself and is joining practice from now on." Oliver explained to all of us with an equally excited look on our faces.

"what i want to know is why Harry gets nickname privileges and i don't." George said before we could get back into the air.

"Honestly, George you have to earn it. the only other person who gets to use my nickname is Fred." i said.

"that doesn't reason with anything. and why Fred? I'm clearly the better looking one." he continued to argue.

"there are unexplainable reasons why Fred is better." i said.

"oh?" Angelina said wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

"do tell of these unexplainable reasons." Alicia joined in.

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