Chapter Twenty-three - Confessions

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it was the very last week of august and i have been going and sitting in Diagon Ally every day since the day i met harry potter in hopes that the Weasley's would come to get supplies soon. i was sick of the leaky cauldron and desperately missed my best friends. the twins had sent letters since the news got out but letters weren't the same as being with them in person. luckily as i was sitting at Florean Fortescue's ice-cream parlour i saw two tall boys with fiery red hair running around looking like they had lost something.

"FRED! GEORGE! I'M OVER HERE!" i shouted out and their heads darted in my direction with surprise and then relief.

the twins ran through the bustling crowd of last minute shoppers and embraced me in the biggest bear hugs i had ever received. they didn't let go for at least a minute and i didn't want to break the hug either. it was long overdue.

"are you alright?" Fred asked.

"we were worried sick but mum wouldn't let us ask you about it. she made us show her our letters before we sent them." George said.

"I've been better." i replied. "Godric, i missed you guys." i said bringing them into another hug.

"we missed you even more. mum already did the shopping but she brought us to come find you so we could take you back to the burrow for the rest of holiday." Fred spoke excitedly as he took my hand and pulled me along with him and George towards the stone wall that led back to the bar and inn. i don't think Fred realized what he had done but George and i certainly did.

when we reached the leaky cauldron again Mrs. Weasley was stood there with a pile of books. she ran up to me squeezing me in a big hug till i couldn't breathe and planted a kiss on my cheek. we had to hurry and pack my things so the twins joined me in my room throwing all my belongings in my trunk as fast as possible so that Mrs. Weasley was home in time to start making dinner.

upon my return to the burrow i was greeted with many hugs from Ginny, Ron, Percy and Mr. Weasley who all knew what had happened. the twins hurried to put my stuff in Ginny's room and then took me to their room to finally hang out after months.

"So what really happened?" Fred asked.

"what the prophet had to say was a load of hog wash so we want to hear it from you." George persisted.

"i really don't want to talk about it. I'm trying to block it out." i replied.

"it's alright, we respect that. do you want a game of snap or some cuddles?" Fred asked.

"Cuddles." i replied and they both opened there arms for me to lay down with them. 

from that time and until dinner we talked about random things i can no longer remember but it was the happiest I've been since the last time i was with them.

after dinner Mrs. Weasley sent us to bed and we did our nightly routines before crawling between our covers and resting our eyes for the night.

that did not last long however when i began to fight through my rest with the worst nightmare i could have ever experienced. it may have been the proximity to my former home but watching my mother be shot with the killing curse then being chased by my mothers killer and eventually being unalived myself was not something i wanted to dream about and made me wonder why i hadn't already dreamt something of the sort.

when i awoke the house was silent. i must not have made a noise yet. my heart was beating so loudly that my ears were ringing and i was breathing deeply as if i was in a room with no oxygen and i was hyperventilating. i felt like i was dying and yet it made me feel more alive then ever.

i climbed out of bed and quietly tiptoed down the stairs to grab a glass of water to calm my nerves. my breathing had slowed down slightly but every time i was reminded of my dream i began hyperventilating again. 

Summers at The Burrow - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now