Chapter Twenty-two - Meeting Potter

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the leaky cauldron was not known being a quiet inn but when i was awoken by exited shrieks and slamming doors i knew to quickly change and collect my money and supply list and head down to the main room because the boy who lived has arrived to the wizarding world.

as i arrived at the balcony with a bunch of miscellaneous things in my hands a deep voice called out for me loudly and i nearly jumped out of my skin and dropped everything i was carrying as i saw the half giant Hagrid waving at me with the young wizard standing beside him awkwardly.

i waved then bent down to pick up my things hurrying down the stairs as i shoved everything in my pockets. i had been waiting weeks for this day to arrive but as soon as it finally arrived i realized how unready i really was to meet Harry. 

"Harry, this is Chloe Black. she's one of our most reliable troublemakers at Hogwarts. Dumbledore wanted yer two ter meet so yer will have a familiar face when you arrive." Hagrid explained.

"Hi." he said timidly. he was shorter than i thought he would be but i guess that's just because i keep getting taller.

"hi harry, you know, our fathers were best friends so i don't doubt that we will be good friends. I'm going in to my third year by the way." i said shaking the boys hand as we parted through the crowd to the back door that would lead to the entrance to Diagon Ally.

"does your father talk about my father much?" Harry asked.

"I'm sure he would have talked about your father a lot more if he were actually in the picture. My father is in wizard prison and my mom was murdered recently. its alright though, we have both been stripped of ever having a true family because of he who must not be named." i didn't mean to take a darker turn but it felt important to tell harry. not many people can relate to him and he needs compassion for what he does not have. what we don't have.

"I'm sorry." he said timidly.

"don't let it bother you i never liked my mother much. i didn't have any friends till i was eleven because she was terrified of people finding out i was a murderers daughter but i think its an excellent conversation starter. i take it you didn't have many friends until today?" 

"you and Hagrid would be the first." he said with a big smile. 

"well i promise you i will be there for you whenever you need me until the second i no longer breathe on this earth." i said holding my hand out to shake on it as Hagrid led us in the direction of Gringotts.

"thanks, Chloe." he said.

"you can call me Chlo, I'm practically your older sister now so you've earned the right to my nickname." i said gently punching him in the shoulder. "I'll be in flourish and blots when you get back!" i called as i stopped walking with them and turned into the shop to collect my school books. 

when i entered the book shop i discarded the task at hand to look at the quidditch books that had newly been released. there was a small article in the daily prophet about a revision on the quidditch moves handbooks and they were doing a soft release of the new edition. sure enough the book was sitting fresh on the shelves and was a few centimeters thicker since i last saw the book on shelves. i did not hesitate to pluck it off the shelves and i did not plan to return it to the shelf. 

third years had the pleasure of two new classes added to their schedules and i had chosen to take some of the easiest courses the school offered, care of magical creatures and divination. professor Trelawney had a weird looking book on her supply list as did professor Grubbly-plank but i went ahead and added them to the other five books i had to purchase for school. 

once i bought them i left them behind the desk at the cashier to pick up later. harry and Hagrid met me on the way out of the shop and Hagrid told us to go get robes while he purchased Harry's school books. 

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