Chapter Twenty-seven - The Midnight Stalker

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The twins and I sorted out our problems not long after I got back from Hogsmeade and all was well for the last few weeks. Not only had we resumed our nightly rendezvous but I had also been tailing Quirrell who had given me every reason to be incredibly suspicious of him. I'm quite sure that he is aware that I am following him around at night because he has momentarily stopped meandering around the corridors talking to himself in weird voices.

At the moment I was sneaking around the library listening to Harry, Ron and Hermione frustratedly shuffling through books like they had been for the past few months. They were shuffling mindlessly

until Hermione slammed a large aged book onto the table and flipped through it until she reached a section.

"Nicolas Flamel is the owner of the Philosopher's stone." she said before their voices cut out from the increase in chatter from a nearby table.

Just as I was about to begin following them since they all got up and began moving, someone came up behind me trying to scare me. I didn't move a muscle as they tried to make me jump and I slowly turned my head to see Lee Jordan standing behind me with a disappointed look on his face.

"Come on you didn't even flinch." he complained only to get a loud shush from Madam Pince.

"I don't flinch, It's bad for my reputation. now, what do you want?" I questioned in a whisper.

"The twins are looking for you. They've got a bet going to see who can find you first. I figured you would be somewhere around Harry and his little gang and I was right though they seemed to have left." he admitted.

"So were you part of this bet?" I asked.

" yup." he said, grabbing my arm and dragging me away from the shelves and out of the library.

"I can't come right now, Lee. I'm really busy." I complained as i tried to get out of his grasp.

"Busy spying?" he said with a raised eyebrow.

"You don't know the half of it now let me go!" i said raising my voice at him.

"Fine. you owe me a galleon." he said letting go and i nodded vigorously before stumbling over my feet and running in the opposite direction.

I made it to Hagrid's hut a few minutes later to find the trio were already inside discussing something. I found them in Hagrid's hut a lot over the next few days. it wasn't just that though. as i followed them around i heard frequent hushed conversations about a dragon egg and i myself was intrigued and would probably have followed them even if i wasn't supposed too.

it was around nine at night, before curfew, when the trio made there way out of the common room and i slipped out to follow them because i knew exactly where they were heading and it would be risky to go out on the grounds this close to curfew.

i followed them through a series of tunnels that fed out of the side of the school near the bridge to the stone monoliths. i had to wait for them to reach the game keeper's hut before i could begin walking again but it took that long to climb from the side of the cliff exit to the bridge anyway so i didn't stand around doing nothing for long. 

i nearly got run over by a ghost as i dashed across the bridge and past the monoliths down the path to the huts and when i reached the window i was thankfully tall enough to peer inside and see the trio sitting around the large wooden table.

"what on earth are you doing here, Chloe?" a familiar sniveling voice spoke.

"i could ask you the same thing." i replied elbowing my tiny cousin away from me.

"let me have a look." he whined as he pulled out his wand.

"say please." i replied as i pulled out my own wand.

Summers at The Burrow - Fred WeasleyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora