Chapter Twelve - Kings Cross Mayhem

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Mrs Weasley forbid the twins and I from going to diagon alley with her to get our school stuff ever since we blew up a tree with filibuster fireworks on accident.

I had given her some coins and my supply list and she was off with Percy while we were tasked with de-gnoming the garden.

I was using this time in the garden to practice my throwing while the twins used garden tools as unconventional beaters bats. It was quite boring until Fred started planning nighttime adventures around the castles.

After the garden was de-gnomed we went inside up to the twins' bedroom. I was in their quite a lot despite having to room with ginny because once ginny fell asleep I could sneak up the rickety stairs to the twins room and continue talking. Sometimes I would fall asleep in their room too but the twins were good about waking me up before Mrs Weasley came to wake everyone up so that I could get back to Ginny's room in time.

When Mrs Weasley retuned this evening to make dinner, she set our books out on the table for us to pack into our school trunks. Fred and I stacked all of our books in George's arms to see how many he could carry up the stairs and he made it about half  way up with all three sets of books before he fell backwards on top of Fred and I and we all slid down the stairs getting covered in school books.

Percy and Ron began laughing at us while Mrs Weasley ignored what had just happened as it was completely our fault. Ginny however quickly came and helped us pick up our books as we dusted off.

"I feel like my entire back just got bruised." Fred complained. It was fair because I had fallen on top of him and George on top of me. He was essentially our cushion from the fall.

"I'll go find some dittany and we can rub it on your back." Ginny said scurrying off to the medicine cabinet.

We carried our books up the stairs the proper way this time and sat down on the twins' beds as Fred took off his shirt so we could check his back for injury.

Fred's back was red and had some light bruising on the shoulder blades so when ginny came back upstairs with a vial of dittany we took a cloth and dabbed it on the bruising. Fred wasn't facing us but George was glancing at him and laughing. He came up to me from his own bed and whispered in my ear.

"Freddie's blushing. You should mess with him." George whispered.

"Ginny I think I've got it from here you can go." I said and she smiled before leaving.

I took the bottle and poured some more on the cloth then gave it to Fred asking him to hold it. I rested my hand on his shoulder as I rubbed the dittany on other bruises and I could feel his shoulders tensing. I began silently laughing but i was shaking which made Fred turn around in confusion.

George was right. Fred's adorably freckled face was a deep shade of red.

"Ickle Freddie's blushing!" I said as I fell off the bed rolling on the ground laughing. George joined me as Fred looked at us angrily before beginning to laugh too.

"Well how can I not blush when your breathing down my neck as you rub ointment on my back." He said defensively as he put his shirt back on.

"That's your problem, mate." George said as I hopped on his back and he piggy backed me down the stairs and into the garden as Fred chased us.

September first arrived before we knew it and we were all arriving at kings cross station. Fred, George and I were running around the platform with our trunks trying to get out of Mrs Weasleys grip. You see, we had been in the garden earlier that day messing around and we refused to take baths before we left for the train station.

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