Chapter Forty - Worse than Ever

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the last two weeks of school flew by and with that time i spent it with the twins. we would often go out onto the quidditch pitch even though the season was over. we had nothing better to do with our time other then mess around with the staff and get into trouble. 

i went to Dumbledore's office during those two weeks and spoke with the headmaster about my spy job and he respectfully allowed me to put it on hold for the time being. i knew full well that it was not the end of Harry's adventures and i would have to keep an eye on him again at some point but i just wanted to be a kid again.

the final day arrived and everyone was rushing around the school collecting things that they may have left around the castle. we would be departing for Kings Cross from Hogsmeade Station in an hour and everyone was dragging their trunks to the great hall to eat before they had to go down to the carriages. 

i spent my last bit of time at the school with Angelina, Alicia and Katie since i would be with the twins for the entire summer. i would be ridding the train with the twins and Lee so i needed to spend time with the friends i wouldn't be seeing all summer.

when the carriages arrived at Hogsmeade station the twins, Lee and i lugged our trunks off the back and dragged them with us onto the train and into an empty compartment. the twins helped lift all four of our trunks into the overhead and we all sighed with satisfaction as we finally got to relax after a morning of running everywhere.

i leaned back on the seat and Lee sat next to me nervously shuffling a deck of exploding snap cards over and over again as if he was waiting for someone to ask him to play the game with him. Fred and George took glances at one another as if they were communicating telepathically which did not seem out of the ordinary in the slightest for the two of them. i would shift uncomfortably in my seat every few seconds because the tensions had grown so high in the compartment that i felt like i should open a window to let fresh thoughts enter. 

i had not a clue what any of us were even thinking about. my thoughts only trailed to wonder if they were wanting to say something or not. it was dangerously quiet. it had never been quite so quiet with any of us in the room since we were born and it was sad to say that the fifteen year record had been broken.

"what in Godric's green garden is going on!?" i finally asked after another minute of sitting in silence.

"its nothing." the twins said in unison.

"well i hate to break it to you but i think it very well might be something if you have remained silent for this long." i said fast and harsh.

"why are you upset? we've only been a little quiet." Lee said slowly inching from me as i began fuming but i was able to maintain a level yet terrifying voice.

"silence makes me crazy. tell me what's wrong, please." i pleaded.

"Anything from the trolley dears?" the trolley lady asked as the compartment door slid open.

i pulled a handful of sickles out of my pocket and held it out and as they reached for it i clasped my hand shut. "tell me." i commanded but instead they hurried past and used some of Lee's money to buy the sweets. as they sat back down and sighed before buying a chilled bottle of pumpkin juice popping the small cork and taking a swig as i dropped a few coins in the lady's hand.

"if you don't tell me i will turn this pumpkin juice into alcohol and then drunk me will be your problem." i threatened as a last resort.

"we cant tell you!" Fred finally shouted.

"Why not?" i asked lurching forward till our faces were inches apart. his cheeks went red and he backed away.

"its boy stuff." George said.

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