Ch. 2

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My alarm rang loudly through my dorm. A sound that was beyond offensive to the migraine I had. I groaned and rolled over, slapping my hand into it and pulling my blankets back over my head.

"Roni, get up, we have classes at 9." Chelea painfully reminded me. I peeked out from under my blanket and groaned at her, refusing to get up.

She sighed and turned in her seat, a grin slowly spreading on her full lips.

"Too much to drink?" She mused as she bent down to try and see my face.

I groaned and threw a pillow at her. "Way too much... I think I won a beer pong game..." I mumbled and hid further in my cocoon of blankets.

"Damn right you did." She chuckled and threw the pillow back at me. "Now get up! You'll be late and we both know how much you hate being late."

I groaned and shoved my blankets to the side, pulling open my drawer and immediately popping two Aleve into my mouth and chugging water from my water bottle.

I stumbled out of bed, grabbed my small bathroom bag, and forced myself to go take a shower.

I turned the water on as hot as I could handle and immediately got in before I could convince myself I didn't need to. I felt disgusting; I was sweaty and smelled like beer. Scrubbing a mound of shampoo into my hair, I took a deep breath. The fresh scent of Eucalyptus filled the shower and relieved the tension in my shoulders.

Goddamn I was sore.

I hummed softly as I finished my shower. I stepped out, dried off, and found my way back to my shared dorm room where Chelea was now sitting in the tightest pair of jeans I've ever seen, and a nice, fluffy top. Beautiful as ever.

"Be honest, do I look dead inside." I mumbled as I dropped my bag onto my desk.

She kind of winced and waved her hand in a teetering motion. "Sorta... here, use my concealer." He dug through her makeup bag and pulled out her concealer.

"Thanks... remind me to go get more, I forgot that I ran out." I grumbled as I took it from her. I sat down at my desk and proceeded to moisturize and pack on some concealer to hopefully hide the fact that I was painfully hungover.

As I finished I dressed in something easy; a pair of black leggings, a sports bra, and a zip up hoodie that was oversized but so very comfortable.

My wet hair was a bit of a mess but I didn't really want to bother with it, however, Chelsea insisted that I at least dry it so I don't look like a complete Bum.

I dragged myself out of our room and off to my first class of the semester; English 201. Although I loved English and it happened to be my major, however, the last thing I wanted to do was read and write with a hangover.

I stumbled into the building and straight to the classroom I'm so familiar with, sitting to the left by the window. I rested my head down on the table. The spinning in my head was nearly unbearable but the Advil I took was slowly starting to work. I sighed as I heard students shuffling into the classroom.

"Ladies and Gentleman," started a voice from the front of the room. "Welcome to English 201, your new favorite class." Our smirking professor stood at the front of the class with his arms spread out like an eagle. Usually, Mr. Elkins was my favorite and i would have smirked at his comment due to the accuracy, however, this morning had no joy for me.

He proceeded to call out the names of each student. "Now I will only do that once, i like to put names to faces but from now I don't care about your attendance. That's on you and what you want to do with your time is none of my business. My job is to teach you as long as you arrive. Your grade is in your hands." He dramatically announced. This was something I appreciated, i hated being hounded by my teachers about attendance and homework, even though I was rarely late on anything.

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