Ch. 7

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I groaned as I stumbled after chelsea, jogging and eventually falling to the ground and laying flat on my back, my face showing up to the sun.

"Fuck..." I groaned.

Everything ached, my chest heaved in deep breaths, the sun dried my sweat to my face.

"Isn't it amazing!" She cheered and I flipped her off. I heard a soft chuckle from her as she plopped down next to me.

I shielded my eyes with my arm, resting it over my face.

"This sucks" I grumbled, still struggling to catch my breath.

She laughed and laid back in the grass with me.

"I don't know how you do this every day." I continued. I felt like my legs were made of jello, my legs ached and burned from running.

"I usually run 2 miles." She looks at me with a smirk and I grown.

"I'd rather die." I stated bluntly.

Slowly my breathing came back to me and I was able to sit up and drink some water.

"Come on, let's shower and go get coffee." She hopped up immediately and held her hand out to me.

I looked at my watch, it was only 11am. That's impressive. A lot had happened already.

I sighed and nodded, taking her hand and pulling myself up.

"Thats the spirit" She chirped as we went back to the bathroom I was in earlier.

I prayed that the water would wash me free and brighten my mood but it only cleaned my skin, not my mind. Instead of just a migraine and a hangover, I was now sore and sweaty as well.

I scrubbed at my hair and my skin, trying to remove the stress of the last few days. I let the water sooth my eyes and face.

I just stood under the water for a while, just letting it sooth the aches of my muscles.

I was upset. I hated being upset. I huffed and shut off the shower, drying myself off and hopping out with a towel wrapped around me.

I looked at my face, my eyes were a nit puffy and red. I sighed and shook out my hair a bit.

"What are you doing today?" Chelsea asked as she stepped put of her shower stall, a towel around her.

"I don't know, probably studying... I need to catch up on my work." I mumbled and flips my head back, drying it with a spare towel. I didn't look at her, just focused on my hair.

"You should come out with me and Hannah!" She smiled and tossed her bag onto the counter before pulling out several things of moisturizer.

"I'm okay, I still have a hangover... and a raging migraine.." I told her with a gentle smile. "I'll see you later, kay?"

She pouts a bit but nods, turning to apply her face products. I turn and leave the showers.

I held my towel tightly and made my way back to the dorm room. Once inside I dried off completely na dripped into sweats and a hoodie.

I wasn't sure if I actually would be able to sit down and study. My head was spinning with pain and hurt and confusion.

I couldn't believe that Kyle didn't believe me... and I can't believe Colby.


That fuckin dick. I ought to scream and yell at him and beat the ever loving shit out of him like he did to Kyle.

"Dickhead..." I grumbled as I pulled out my laptop and notebooks.

I don't understand why he's all up in my business or in my life at all. I don't know him and he doesn't know me. We met at a party, both of us drunk as hell. That was it.

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