Ch. 11

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Roni pov

It was spotless.

There weren't piled of clothes on the couch. There wasn't any dirty dishes in the sink. And it smelled... amazing. It was a mix of a clean laundry smell and a woodsy burn smell. Not what I was used to.

Kyle always had a pile of clothes on the floor or in a chair, his room smelled like a poorly cleaned locker room with axe body spray soaking the walls, and he had an overflowing trash can stashed by his desk. He didn't even have an apartment, which he chose on purpose. He WANTED to be in the dorms near all of his friends, and then he moved into the frat house and we saw each other even LESS because there was no way in hell I was going to sleep there.

To say I was a little surprised by Colby would be an understatement.

I was surprised not only by the fact he had an apartment at all and the fact that it was clean, but by the fact he didn't have girls here all the time.

All I know about Colby was that girls wanted him and he knew a lot of people. I found myself wondering if he ever through parties here.

Colby POV

What the fuck was I thinking.

I tried my best to keep my breath steady as her hands clutched my chest. We sped through the city and I could feel my heart racing a mile a minute, my face burning with anticipation.

What the FUCK was I thinking!

How could I just invite her to my place to stay with me?

And she said YES?

I truly lost my goddamn mind.

We arrived quickly to my apartment just outside of campus, it was an old black painted, brick building nestled between two others just like it in different colors. I prayed she couldn't feel my heart racing. Taking a deep breath in I dropped my feet to the concrete and wheeled us us to a parking spot and kicked the kickstand out to balance my bike. I let out a slow and careful breath as I waited for her to let go of me.

As soon as her hands left my torso I felt cold and shivered slightly. I watched her through the corner of my eye carefully as I held the bike steady for her to get down, she hopped off and wobbled.

"My legs are asleep.." she sheepishly chuckled, I could hear the embarrassment in her voice and wished desperately that I could see her cheeks. I wanted to know she was as nervous as me. I grinned and nodded.

"Motorcycles will do that to ya.." I ran my hands through my hair as she tugged her helmet off, and as cheesy as it sounds I swear life slowed in that moment. With my mouth hanging open in awe, she swished her messy hair from side to side to unstick it from her head and face.

She looked at me and i quickly clamped my jaw shut and turned away, turning off my bike and swinging a leg over to get off on the opposite side to keep myself from snatching her up in my arms.

"Thank you..." She mumbled softly, handing her helmet to me and looking down. She was so shy outside of school and parties. My skin crawled in protest of me NOT reaching out to her. Instead i bit my cheek and reached out to grab the helmet, our fingers grazing. We paused there a moment before she ripped her hands away as if electrocuted.

What the fuck was she doing to me.

I couldn't care less about any other girl in the world, known to kiss and not even bother to tell, and here i was, bashfully standing in front of a girl who has caused more trouble in my life than anyone else has, all because she peaked my curiosity.

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