Ch. 9

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I felt like a slug sliding my way through the days and dragging my feet along the halls. I felt kind of lost.

Kyle had texted me a few times, telling me he missed me. That he was sorry. That he hoped I was doing well. I would start typing out a long response only to sigh and delete the whole thing. I didn't know what to say or how to feel. I didn't know what I wanted at this point. I was tired of the same bullshit he pulled year after year with school and football.

I wasn't sure I even wanted him back but at the same time the fear of starting over ate away at me. I'm not easy to get along with or even get to know. I know that. I don't make it easy on myself to make new friends or acquaintances but I've never needed them before. I had Chelsea and Kyle. But now it's just Chelsea.

I shook my head and chewed on my thumb nail gently, lost in my own thoughts as I stumbled down the hallway. I was so caught up in fake scenarios that I stumbled straight into someone's chest.

"Fuck- sorry I wasn't paying attention-" I began as I took a step back and rubbed my nose, looking up to see Colby of all people.

What were the fucking odds.

I glared at him. He had a wide grin on his face, two buddies of his standing beside him.

"Hey! Isn't that the girl from the party-" a shorter, bulky guy spoke up beside Colby. He didn't seem pleased by him talking.

"Shut the fuck up." Colby snapped and looked back at me.

I rolled my eyes and walked past him. I heard him say something to the guys before turning and following behind me. I quickened my pace only for him to do the same. I turned a corner and snapped around to face him.

"Why are you always following me?" I growled low so no one would pay attention to us.

"I'm not." he mused as he caught up and walked beside me.

It was no use fighting him. I didn't have the energy nor the care to do so. Instead I chose to stay silent and just walk away.

He stayed silent as well as we made our way down the hall. It made me uncomfortable, the silence, so as soon as we were out of sight I spun around quickly on my heels and glared at him.

"What do you want."

He raised a brow at me before shrugging and putting his hands in his pocket, grinning. "I could go for a coffee, if you're offering."

I furrowed my brows and frowned. The fuck did he just say?

"No, why are you so fascinated by bothering me?" I grumbled and crossed my arms.

"Because you're so... easily bothered I guess." He smirked more and I rolled my eyes so hard I thought they might just get stuck.

"Why don't you go bother some other girl whose actually interested in your attention. Like maybe her-" I nodded towards a girl who was childishly grinning at her friend. Colby waved and she gasped, waving back and squealing to her friend as they walked away. Colby turned back to me with a glare.

Had I struck a nerve? That made me grin a bit but I quickly swallowed it down and glared back.

"Because she has half a brain and it's not as fun when they're drooling over you. They agree with everything I say."

"Opposed to me agreeing with only HALF of what you say." I sarcastically spat before turning to walk away again.

"Roni-" he started and grabbed my shoulder.

I whipped around so fast that we now stood barely half a foot apart. I caught my breath in my throat and blinked a bit before huffing and starring up at him.

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