Ch. 3

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The next morning I woke up perfectly fine, other than the irritation gnawing at the back of my brain. I didn't want to be, nor would I admit, that Kyle pissed me off. I didn't ask for much, if anything i was a very simple girlfriend to him and yet he could barely spend time with me more than twice in a week- if that. He irritated me beyond belief because anything and everyone was more important that me in his life. Between parties, his team, and doing anything else other than spend time with me was a higher priority.

If anyone asked, however, i denied having any issues. I couldn't imagine giving him up. I've known him too long and shared far too much with him to give up now... but i didn't have it in me to fight constantly. Part of me was lacking a reason to care. It wasn't like i really needed to have a relationship, i didn't really need friends either. I was a busy girl, you know... with studying.

I grumbled to myself and plopped down at my desk, wiping off my face with a makeup wipe in the mirror.

"What are you grumpy about?" Chelsea chimed as she applied copious amounts of blush on her face.

"Nothing." I stated flatly and sighed, forcing a brush through my thin yet tangled mess of hair.

"Did Kyle stand you up again." She sighed and turned around to face me, starring at me in my mirror.

I didn't say anything so she sighed again, standing up and coming over to me. She took the brush from my hand and started to brush my hair out for me.

"I think its about time you gave up on that brainless muscle freak..." She mumbled, her hands patting my hair down as she brushed. I yanked the brush from her hand, glaring at her.

"We are just fine, thank you. I'm just tired." I huffed and started to brush my own hair. I wasn't some child.

"I'm just saying.. you guys don't really fit together." She shrugged and crossed her arms, watching me fight with my hair. I hadn't brushed it since the night of the party.

"And I'm just saying that its not any of your business." I snapped at her, grabbing my small bathroom bag and storming out of our dorm. It wasn't fair of me to snap at her, but she just couldn't keep anything to herself. If she had a strong opinion, she was sure to make it known to anyone it involved. How more people didn't hate her i would never know, though i was one of the ones who did enjoy her company... most of the time.

I pushed my way into the bathroom, finding an open space on the crowded counter to plop myself and fix my exaughsted face. I pulled my eye bags down and frowned. I stayed up late two nights in a row, which was very unlike me. I needed to get my shit together and stop waiting around for Kyle.

I sighed and washed my face, hoping to wake myself up. I carefully moisturized, applied simple concealer to hide the purple under my eyes, and mascara and called it a day. I had no reason to look fantastic, but i had enough respect to not show up looking like a zombie to my classes.

I decided to just shove my makeup bag into my backpack and leave to class without stopping back into my dorm. I found my way through the campus and to my first class of the day; Chemistry 101. As an English major, i didn't see the need for this class whatsoever, but i honestly didn't mind science. It was interesting enough i suppose.

I walked in and found myself a seat in the middle, closer to the back since this class didn't matter so much to me i saw no need to be close to the front. Unfortunately i was early as hell since i rushed out of my dorm. I pulled out the book for my English class that was assigned the day before, trying to get in at least part of the reading.

I had lost myself in the book that i hardly noticed that the class was filling up, typical of me i know. I was only pulled back to reality by a bag being placed on the table beside me rather loudly.

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