Ch. 6

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Roni POV

I woke up with a baggy t-shirt and nothing else. My hair was damp and smelled like chlorine.

What the fuck happened.

I groaned as I tried to sit up, the migraine that was cracking through my skull like lightning was debilitating. I huffed and pressed the heel of my hands into my temples.

I needed to shower. The smell, the sun, the fucking hangover- I couldn't handle it.

And what the FUCK happened?

Did I fall into the pool? How did I get home?

Fuck me. I'm such an idiot.

I stumbled from my bed and across the room, immediately pulling underwear and shorts on, rubbing my face roughly and grabbing my bathroom bag.

I yanked another t-shirt off the hanger, pulled another random pair of shorts off the pile of clothes from the floor, and forced myself to go down to the showers.

The sound of the shower alone was deafening. But I pushed through anyways. I snagged the first open shower and turned it to as hot as I could physically handle, hoping it would help soothe my aching body.

As I was rinsing out my conditioner I overheard two girls chatting outside of my shower.

"No seriously, I saw two guys fighting out in the courtyard."


"Uh, not sure... I just know that like 4 football guys were standing around and I think it might be Colby? I don't know, he was tall with dark hair."

Colby? I paused and listened closer.

"Are you sure? He doesn't usually fight people. Well, maybe he does, he looks like a bad boy" the one girl purred.

They giggled for a moment and I shook my head. Why should I care?

I shook my head in frustration, hoping the thoughts would spill out like the water from my hair.

My heart was pounding in my chest. The problem was that I did care and if it was Colby then there was a damn good chance who he was fighting was Kyle.

I grumbled under my breath a line of curses as I shut the water off, immediately and carelessly drying myself off the best I could and throwing on my shorts and t-shirt again.

I stumbled out of the shower with all of my stuff haphazardly in my arms as I pushed the door open and flew down the hallway.

Dammit Kyle... Dammit Colby...

I didn't even put shoes back on, my hair was soaking wet and dropping down my back. I padded down the stairs and out to the courtyard where sure as hell, there was Kyle and Colby.

I was frozen for a moment, watching as Colby brought Kyle to the ground. His fist connected smooth and clean into Kyle's face over and over.

Before I realized I dropped my things and started running over.

"COLBY!" I shrieked as I stumbled forward. Somehow the migraine was clear from my mind and the soreness was gone.

They needed to stop.

He didn't hear me so I yelled again. "COLBY!" I grabbed him without thinking, yanking on his arm and teying to pull him off.

He whipped around to face me, the look on his face was dangerous... rampant. He was livid.

I was panting, I started down at him, I was fearful in that moment.

He starred me in the face and mumbled my name, his features softening before he was ripped off of Kyle by the other guys.

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