Ch. 12

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Colby's POV




Who in their fucking right mind goes and kisses a girl who just caught their boyfriend cheating on them? Who the fuck kisses a girl after they sobbed to you about said situation and you invite them to STAY IN YOUR HOME?

What happens now? Does she think I'm a pervert? Did I just fuck this up? She probably wants to leave. I just made a huge step backwards in this friendship.

But she pushed into me. She didn't push me away, in fact, she pulled me in. Did she want to kiss me? Did she enjoy it? Am I a bad kisser?

Holy shit.

I grabbed fistfuls of my hair as I paced the kitchen, the food taking its sweet time heating in the oven. I've never worried about if a girl enjoyed my kissing or not.

I took a wild fuckin chance and kissed her after she was so vulnerable to me today. And I went and kissed her. And she ran into the bathroom.


A moment later the bathroom door opened and I felt my chest tighten in panic. I froze in place, unsure of where to be or what to do. Should I look at her?

Too late.

She came out, her face dewy as if she was fresh out of the shower. Did she wash her face? Did I disgust her?

Her eyes snapped to mine and we stared in a one to one face off. Who would look away first? Who would speak up?

I cleared my throat but had nothing come out of my mouth, my throat felt dry.

"I- uhm.. do- can I borrow pajamas?" She flushed red again and stumbled over her words quickly, looking down.

My heart clenched. I couldn't deny it any more. She was so fucking beautiful and when she got all shy around me or grumpy it killed me in a good way. I wanted to do anything I could to keep seeing that face.

I snapped out of my stare and nodded, looking down. "Uh, yeah, of course... come with me." I mumbled and passed her. I thought I saw her tense up.

I led her to my bedroom and suddenly felt self conscious about my room and how it looked. Everything was dark. Dark wood bed frame, charcoal sheets, stormy grey bedding.

I pinched my eyes shut at the sight. What is wrong with me. Since when did I care how my bedroom looked? At least it was clean.

I let out a quiet, shaken sigh and made my way over to the closet. I slid open the door and my closet was equally full of dark clothes. I internally groaned.

I scanned through my clothes and tried to find something she wouldn't be swimming in. She was above average height for a girl, tall but still slender.

I sighed heavily and pulled out a hoodie and a black t-shirt.

"Preference?" I turned to face her. She avoided eye contact but I saw she was trying to relax. She thought for a moment before pointing to the shirt.

I nodded and threw it onto the bed. "I'm not sure if I have pants that fit you.." I mumbled more to myself than anything.

Shit. Did that sound like an excuse to have her go pants-less? I mean i wasn't against that but I wasn't trying to be suggestive.

"What about drawstring sweats?" She quietly suggested. Thank god.

I nodded and searched my drawers for a pair. I bit my lip as I searched for a pair with no luck. I dug through again and finally found a pair.

Curse my habit of losing the damn strings in the wash.

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