A Petal

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A petal is all I want to be
Falling from a fully blossomed tree
Caressing soft curling locks of Yours,
Falling down and down and down
Reaching the lotus eyes of Yours
Blinking almost mischievously;

A petal is all I want to be
Falling a bit from down the tree
Caressing those soft, plum, lips of Yours,
Falling down and down and down
Worshiping that heavenly face of Yours
Smiling, oh so sweetly;

A petal is all I want to be
Falling down a blossomed tree
Caressing those strong arms of Yours,
Falling down and down and down
Reaching those hips of Yours
Dancing so nicely;

A petal is all I want to be
Fallen from a blossomed tree
Caressing that yellow robe of yours
Falling down and down and down
Worshipping those sweet, warming, and loving lotus feet of Yours
Embracing so softly.

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