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Warning- OC in this chapter, has such a big ego it's hard to comprehend. Apologies in advance.

Annabeth chase was not one for crying, she never believed that it would get a person anywhere, how ever, on a rare occasion, well, she had what demigods called "those dreams" and unsurprisingly hers (and Percy's) were especially bad, and because it was so rare to see annabeth chase cry, when ever she did, you knew, it was bad.

Perfection, that was annabeth chase, the only word i could find to describe her anyway, other than, gorgeous, beautiful, super smart, and downright just a plain out badass, never once did i see that girl and think, are sure she's not a daughter of Aphrodite? Or heck, even the goddess, herself!

I tend to go for girls like that, i mean, I just kind of think about myself like a living Ken doll anyways, because i am all that, so, who wouldn't fall in love with me at first Glance? Annbeth chase, will be mine.

Woah! Back up, my turn! Hi, my name is Matthew, my friends and long list of girlfriends, the ones whose hearts i didn't break, call me Matt.

I've got sorta curly brown hair, and striking blue eyes, im pretty in shape, if i do say so myself. One more thing, im a son of Zeus, not to brag or anything, but, it is as cool as it sounds, always zapping people whenever i want if i real like it, well its a real girl getter, because, they automatically assume that your super powerful, which of course i am. There isn't a single person at camp half blood that has more power, than me.

It was some day in the middle of June, a Tuesday morning i think, when it happened, blonde curls and all walked into my life. "Hey, beautiful, you new?" i asked the figure walking in front of me, in my best we are going out tonight night voice.

"Not interested" the girl said flatly, but she did, turn around, and oh gods of Olympus, was that women beautiful, honey blonde curls thrown into a pony tail, attired in a simple chb t-shirt, and jean shorts.

I momentarily forgot my name, and then— "and no, im not new, have a nice day." She responded saying it with such edge it kinda made me question what exactly i was doing.

She turned and began to walk again but before she could, "woah" annabeth shouted, as I grabbed her wrist.

She growled at me, "wait" i smiled warmly, she stared at me, hard, "cut it out, before i get mad" annabeth said calmly, but i could tell she was losing her cool.

"hahahah, you know im kind of a big deal around here? Right? Son of Zeus and all." I bragged.

Annabeth continued to glare, but she raised an eyebrow, "well, i could say the same, although for me it would actually, be true, although, i don't exactly go parading around telling that to every person i meet." She ventured.

Continuing with "I've never met you, in my life, and honestly i don't care who you are, im. Not. Interested."

I took a breath, annabeth turned on her heal, and continued to walk away. The thing is, that whole exchange, honestly, just made me like her even more, that girl was feisty, that girl would be mine.

———————————————————————-{2 hours before dinner}——————————————————————————

My second time meeting who I'd soon learn to be annabeth chase, was at the fighting  arena, it was a few hours before dinner time, and i was making my way to the combat arena for my second to class of the day.

I ambled up, taking my time, winking at very girl on the way to my destination, no matter, in response, a smirk back, or a glare, (some people just don't understand my true awesomeness.)

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