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Time flies like an arrow and another week came. It was now the first subject for the afternoon and I couldn't help but to almost doze off to sleep. The teacher isn't helping at keeping me awake at all!

Out of boredom, I looked over the window and almost choked when I saw who was sitting at the small bench right below us. I'm currently in the 2nd floor and the benches located at the field are very close to our side which means that I can literally see everything.

Sunghoon was sitting on one of the benches, frowning, as he read the paper on his hand like as if the whole criminal industry were written there. And with furrowed brows, he eats his chocolate ice cream in peace.

Does he not go to class?

He's really good loo—

"From Jungwon" I looked over my shoulder when one of my classmate tapped my back and handed me a folded piece of paper in secret.

'you should really listen to the discussion hyung. I don't think Sunghoon hyung is the one teaching you Calculus :)'

I straightened my position upon reading Jungwon's note before looking over my shoulder once again and flashing him my deadliest glare.


If he wants to be the next Einstein then he should leave me out of it. Why is he so study driven?!

Sighing, I couldn't help but to look outside the window again but it was something I should've not done in the first place. He's now looking at me, waving his phone like as if he was telling me to open mine which I also did. An online message notification from Instagram popped up on my screen so I decided to open it.

You're not listening to the discussion are you?

What do you know?
You should just peacefully eat your ice cream and leave me be

I finished my ice cream, thousand years ago
Were you looking at me? Can't blame you though
I'm handsome 😎

U need to touch some grass
I wasn't staring at you!
Maybe it was you who was staring at me!
Because how would you know I wasn't paying attention?!

Yeah, maybe I am.

I rolled my eyes after seeing his reply, concealing the blush creeping up my face. I didn't bother opening my phone anymore, afraid that I might get told off by the teacher. I looked over once more and he was now smiling from ear to ear, readying to leave.

"Kim Sunoo. I would very much appreciate it if you could listen to me and not space out" I bit my bottom lip as soon as I heard my teacher calling my attention. His actions made the others chuckle in secret so I had to awkwardly nod my head.




"Mr. Pres! Since the festival would be held at our campus, the art club wanted to ask which tones would you prefer for the theme?" I neatly placed the books I got from the shelf and carefully turned off the printer before approaching the student council auditor, Hanbin.

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