Chapter 1: Rebirth into DxD

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N: Check out my other stories on Pa-tre-on under SaintGreenz.


Chapter 1: Rebirth into DxD

In a small mansion, you can hear the screams of a beautiful blonde-haired woman as she gives birth, with a female doctor assisting in the childbirth and her husband, a dark-haired man with a strong build, at her side.

"Ouch! Ouch! Get it out of me!" the woman shrieked.

"Oh honey, you're doing great," the dark-haired man said.

"Screw you, bastard; you did this to me," the woman retorted.

The dark-haired man flinched back and replied, "But dear, you were the one who wanted to have children."

The woman glared at her husband and demanded, "Will you please just shut up?" as she let out another yelp of pain.

"The baby is almost here," exclaimed the doctor. The woman gave one final hard push, and soon the sound of a crying baby filled the room.

The doctor announced to the new parents, "It's a healthy baby boy, Lady Isha." After examining the baby, she handed him over to the new mother and left the room to give the new parents some privacy.

The new mother looked at her baby and saw that he had blonde hair, just like her own, and blue eyes, just like her husband's.

"So, what are we going to name him?" asked the husband.

"Naruto," she replied. "His name is after a hero from a book that I once read."

"Naruto, are you sure it's not because of your addiction to ramen?" the man joked.

The woman punched her husband in the stomach, causing him to double over as she continued playing with their son.

"I can't believe I am married to a moron," the woman muttered to herself.

"Get up off the ground, Damian, and come hold your son," Lady Isha said to her husband in a commanding voice.

The now identified Lord Damian was by her side in an instant, holding his son gently and whispering, "Well my little devil, may you live a long and happy life." He said with a smile.

5 years later...

A naked blonde boy could be seen running away from his personal maid named Mio, who is an attractive redhead with a large bust.

"come back here right now Naruto Satanchia and take your bath", she shouted.

"No way! You'll have to catch me first," the blonde yelled back at her while laughing.

The blond boy continued to run until he ran into something and fell backward. When he looked up, he found his mother standing there with a scary look on her face.

"Naruto Sol Satanchia what have I told you about running around the house naked and giving Mio so much trouble", she said in a calm voice.

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